16: A Cup Of Keir

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Frederick was heavy, Selene could tell that much.

Dragging his dead ass to the barren land behind the shed, felt like pulling a boulder up the hill.

Keir is surely more stronger than he looks but then again it's easy to carry a living man than dead.

While she dragged the body, Keir was busy digging up the grave. He already had the materials required to dissolve the body.

It was a combination of chemicals that Selene never heard of, except the kerosene that he is going to use to burn the dead body.

"Woah! That is one deep grave for one body," She said, staring at the deep pit dug up by him.

It was a surprise that he dug it all the way down on his own. It took him more than an hour, but still impressive.

Selene looked around before her eyes settled on Keir, "You're really experienced in digging graves, aren't you?"

"You know what they say, practice makes a man perfect," He smirked and wiped the perspiration off his forehead.

"What a unique way of practicing!" Selene grimaced and shook her head.

Keir turned to her with slight amusement in his face. Selene raised her eyebrow in question but received no answer. Her eyes slowly travelled to his body, the tee was clung to him like second skin due to the sweat and the short sleeves were rolled on either side of his strong arms.

"I'd rather not prefer to flirt before the dead, love," He said, feigning innocence but his smug face was winning over it.

Selene gave an unbelievable scoff, "One, I'm not flirting. Two, you are the reason he is dead and three," She stopped, stammering in anger, "You call me love and I'm the one flirting here?"

He ignored her with his usual smirk and hunched over the dead body. He grabbed the shirt of Frederick's body and looked at her.

"Shall we pay our respects?" He asked.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes and stepped back.

He pulled the shirt roughly and tossed the body in the deep grave. There was a loud thud followed by some bone crushing sounds.

Selene did not dare to look at the probably twisted body in the ground. Keir started pouring down the chemicals that he brought from the shed. He added some burning oil and some more chemicals from the bottles.

It didn't make any sense to Selene but it looked like Keir knew what he was doing.

"Medium rare or deep fried, Darling?" Keir asked her, lighting up the match.

He tossed the match stick and took a step back, beside Selene. They watched as the body along with everything down in the grave burned to crisp.

Selene looked around the never ending barren land. She wondered how many dead graves were dug up here. A chill crossed her spine knowing that no body will be found even if the whole ground is inverted in and out.

That was his motive. No body no murder. It was a shocking observation by Selene that killing is a lot more easier than covering the murder. Getting rid of the body and evidence is tougher than it looks in the movies.

Selene knows that since she covered three murders of her clients where she is both the prime suspect and witness, all thanks to Keir.

She focused back on the large pitfire in front of them. From where they stood it looked like the hell gates had been opened up and the fire beneath it is calling them.

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