𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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For once William and I were kinda happy.

I was laughing like crazy at him and he was turned away all flustered.

"Awww is the big child murderer all flustered?" I said in a goofy voice.

William turned away which made me giggle even more.

"Why can't you tell me what you like to do to calm your nerves?" I asked.

"Not until you tell me yours."

Damn he was sure good at avoiding a question.

"Fine, going on walks and breathing in the fresh air really calms my nerves and stress."

William turned his head.

"So you're clearly stressed since you wanted to go on this walk. What are you stressed about?"

I took a deep breath.

"It's not more of me being stressed even though I am, it's more of clearing my mind."

"Okay that's understandable but you're making it sound like you're stressed about one little thing, and I want to know what you stressed about." William continued.

Why does he want to know?

And why would he care what I stressed about?

"Well it's just the stress of trying not to die and wanting to go back my time in 2021."

I know if I make a big deal about William trying to kill me it won't stop him, he'll keep doing it.

William stayed quiet, he knew he couldn't answer this.


I looked at William.

"What?" I question.

"Entertaining, I like to entertain people that calms my nerves." William said.

My eyes opened in disbelief.

"You of all people like to entertain, I would have thought something else because you kill people but at the same time you like to entertain them?"

"Yeah that's what I liked to do before Elizabeth died."
"I liked it when Henry and I would get into the spring lock suits and perform  for the little kids. The smile on their faces made me happy and would release all my worries, nerves, and stress."

I would have loved to meet the William before his daughter died.
That man seems nice, fun, and caring.
This one is a killer, manipulative, and has anger issues.

"Do you still like performing?" I asked.

William sighed.

"Kind of but I find it more fun when I lure the kids with my performance, seeing their innocent smiles and not knowing what is going to happen to them just fills me with energy."

Jesus I think there is something seriously wrong with this man.

"Oh look there's the park, race you to it."

William looked at me.

"You really think you could beat me?" William said.

"I bet I can."

William straightened his tie.

"Alright let's do this."

We started on the line of the sidewalk.

"Ready, 3, 2, 1 go!"

William took off going fast while I jogged.

Once I noticed William starting to slow down I ran at my full speed.

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