𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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The next 30 minutes were spent with Mike and me discussing the plan.

"Is that step really necessary?" I asked.

"Yes it is but I'll get more in detail with it later tonight."

"Okay well I should really get going I left William home with my friend and I really hope she isn't dead when I get back."

"That's understandable just don't forget to tell your friend about the plan she can be useful."

I nodded my head then stood up getting ready to leave.
But Mike didn't move.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"No I'll just walk back I need the exercise."

I giggled a little.
"Okay, Mike if you insist. I'll see you later."

We both waved goodbye and I walked out.

Oh boy, tonight shit is going to go down and many tears will be shed.

I unlocked my car and got in.

"I really hope Olivia is alright," I said as I pulled out of the small parking lot.

The drive home was quick which was good.
I ran up to the front door and unlocked it swiftly.

Once I opened it I announced my presence.

"I'm back."

I hung up Olivia's car keys and looked around.
I then looked behind the wall that led into the living room.

What I saw truly made me confused.

"Ah (y/n) I didn't think you would be back yet." Olivia awkwardly stated.

I looked at Olivia and then at William.

"Why the fuck is William tied up?"

In front of me was William tied up in a chair with duck tape around his mouth.

"Well, my dear friend he tried to kill me!!"

William then spat out the duck tape.

"She threw a fucking bible at me and said I needed Jesus!" William yelled.

I felt like I wanted to die laughing.

"I had a reason to!" Olivia yelled as she picked up the Bible and held it to him.

"Okay okay, what did you do to make her throw a bible at you, William?" I asked.

William was about to speak but Olivia put duck tape back on his mouth.

"He explained to me in very, very specific detail on how he would kill children."
"There is a demon that lives in this man and he needs Jesus."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Olivia your no better, I'm pretty sure watching hentai 24/7 is a sin."

Her face turned bright red.

"I told you not to tell anyone!" She yelled.

"May I ask what this hentai is?" William asked.

Olivia turned to William."How the hell do you keep taking that duck tape off?" She asked.

"You're ignoring my question."

I walked over to the tied up William.

"You don't want to know."

I then bent down and started to untie him.

"(Y/n) why are you untying him!?"

"Because I need to talk to him about something."

William looked at me and smiled.

"Oooo is it about that plan?!" He asked excitedly.

I nodded my head.

"Hold up there is something that I don't know?"

"There is but I'll explain it later to you, I first have to tell William."

Once I untied him I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the bedroom I was staying in.

"I'm sorry that she tied you up."

William just shrugged.

"Meh it was something to do plus I went a little psycho."

He paused.

"I might have thrown a knife at her."

My eyes widened.

"Did you hit her!?"

"No, sadly she dodged it."

I sighed.

"As long as she is alright." "But anyway let me tell you about the plan."

Both William and I sat on the bed.

"Okay, so when I said I was going to meet my mom today I lied."

"Yeah, that was pretty obvious that you were lying. Your friend might have believed it but remember I'm a pathological liar and I can tell when someone isn't telling the truth."

"I.....I didn't think about that, but I met Mike instead and we discussed the plan for tonight."

William's eyes then lit up

."Oh is this the plan where we have to kill the other me!"

Damn, he is really excited about this.

"Yes, William."

"Sweet, continue love."

"And so Mike told me that he got in contact with other William and he's going to be at a club tonight."

William raised his eyebrow.

"Why in the world would I be at a club?"

"Does it look like I know, I don't fucking know why but what I do know is that Olivia and I are going to bait other you and then you come in and kill him."

"Bait him in what way?" William asked.

"So the options are that I bait him outside and get him alone or bait him into one of the private rooms in the club."

William nodded his head."And might I remind you I'm probably in my late 60's? Wouldn't that be very odd?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not really especially in this generation where we have teens dating rich 80-year-old men. Which is basically the teens sugar daddy's to get money. " I explained.

"Now I'm kinda wishing that I did die cause the future is so fucking weird."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I know but your alive now and that is your fault."

"Back to the plan. We are planning to go there at 11 pm, good thing is that the club isn't that far from here about 2 hours away."

"Mike is going to be our getaway driver, Olivia is going to distract people, I will be the bait, and you are going to be the killer."

"Hmmm, you know killer is a strong word I prefer executor."

I sighed.
"Okay fine you're the executor then."

He smiled. "Yes."

"Alright, I'm going to go tell Olivia everything and the plan."

I got up from the bed and walked towards the door.
But then I stopped.

I thought about the part of the plan I didn't tell William. The part where he has to die.

I bit my lip and turned to face William.

"Hey William, can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything (y/n)."

I smiled, feeling tears fill my eyes.

"I love you."

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