Chapter 24: H-he doesn't remember

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Aphmau's POV

We got to our dimension with Laurance after a flash of light. He was still knocked out.

"Aph, where's Shad?" I told them that when I fainted I was Irene take him somewhere to deal with him.

"Look everyone's unfreezing!", I said excitedly.

Everyone then started moving, even Gene. Garroth quickly grabbed him before he could do anything. Laurance's eyes started to open also to his beautiful sky blue.

"Laurance are you okay?!", I said kneeling beside him.

"W-who are you?", he doesn't remember. Tears started to roll down by face.

We brought Gene to a cell, and Laurance to his house.

"Aphmau, I'm going to see how much Laurance remembers.", Garroth told me about to go up the stairs.

"Garroth wait,"


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I should have thought about you feelings also."

"Aphmau, can we not talk about this... right now. We need to focus on Laurance at the moment. I don't know how strong your relationship was but that is none of my concern as your guard. Now please excuse me m'lady.", he said turning around to go see Laurance.

"I'm so sorry..."

Laurance's POV

Where am I?...

Who are these people?....

Who am I?...

Why can't I remember!?

"Laurance?", I heard a male voice call.

Who's Laurance? I turned around to see a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I remember hearing that lady downstairs call him Garrboth I think.

"Laurance, do you know who you are or who I am?"

I shook my head 'no', "I'm guessing that it's Laurance.", I told him.

"Okay then. Do you remember anything? Like family, friends, events in your life?", he asked again.

"No I don't."

"So you don't do who I am or Aphmau or Cadenza."

"I heard the woman down there call you Gar-roth I think. Is she Cadenza?"

"Umm... my name in Garroth and the woman down there is Aphmau. Cadenza is you sister."

"I have a sister!?"

"Yeah, oh crap, Cadenza's going to be heart broken when she hears he does remember her.", he whispered the last part, but I still heard.

Cadenza's POV

"Aphmau!", I yelled as I ran into Laurance's house.


"Is my brother okay?"

"Umm, define okay. Because he is still alive."

"What is that supposed to mean!? Can I please see my brother!?"

Just then Garroth came down, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Garroth! Is Laurance okay!?", why won't anyone give me a straight answer?

"C-Cadenza,", he stuttered, "he doesn't..., remember anything or anyone."


"Cadenza...", Aphmau said softly.

"No...", I whispered. He forgot everything.

"I'm going up to see him!", declared and ran upstairs.

"Cadenza.", they called out, but I was already gone.

"Laurance?", I called to him.

He was facing the windows when I came in and turned around.

"Laurance..., do you know who I am?", I asked.

He shook his head 'no'. A tear ran down my face. "You really, don't know who I am. I'm your sister, Cadenza.", I told him.

"You are?!"

"Yes I am."

"Cadenza, I'm sorry.", I heard Aphmau say from behind me.

"It's not your fault Aphmau. Do you have any idea's how to get his memory back or why he's lost it in the first place?", she shook her head.

Garroth suggested that Aph and him went downstairs to leave us in private.

"Cadenza...", Laurance said.


"How are you my sister, and who are our parents?"

"So, Hayden is my adoptive father as well as yours. My father adopted you where you were and orphan, and Our parents are..., both dead. Our father Hayden died a few years ago."

"I'm sorry Cadenza."

"Why are you saying sorry. It's not your fault.", tears still coming from my eyes.

"I think, I'm going to go. I don't want to bore you with my company-", I began wiping away tears.

"Wait don't please!", Laurance called out.


"Please stay. I would like some company.", he said looking down. I could tell he was trying hard to remember.

I smiled to myself. I sat down beside him and he asked me to tell him some things about myself. I decided to tell him about himself also, only the funny parts though, I didn't need him to feel hurt by whatever may have happened. I told him about when I turned into a chicken, leaving out the Nether part. And I told him about when I dyed his hair orange.

"So, Castor..., he's still the shaman of chickens?"


Laurance then laid his head on my shoulder, dosing off to sleep. It reminded me of when we were kids. I started singing the chorus from a song I remember my mother taught me, making us both doze further to sleep.

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