Chapter 8:The Secret Book

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Laurance's POV

What in the Nether! Aphmau just touched the book and fainted! And just as suddenly as he fainted she got back up like nothing happened.

"Aph?! Are you ok!?", Katelyn asked. Aphmau then told us about her vision. "Well, then I suppose that we should get going to Tul'la.", Katelyn said and Aphmau nodded.

As we were leaving the room after the others left I hung back for a while. I felt like I needed to do something here. I spotted a red and black book on a table and went to check it out. This book surprising had words that I could read. It was about the Nether and things about Shad and Shadow Knights. Why was I so interested in this book?

"Laurance?", I looked behind me to see Aphmau, "What are you still doing back here? Katelyn is at the outside waiting."

"Oh sorry about that." I secretly picked up the book and put it in a bag. Back on the boat I went down to the bunker and began to read it.

"Hmm..., so I guess you haven't lost yourself after all." I heard the voice again.

"Huh? Who-... oh it's you. What are you talking about?", I questioned.

"*Sigh* I suppose that she hasn't told you still.", it said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Aphmau, that person that you have claimed didn't leave you to die."

"What? She didn't-" I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs and that voice finally shut up. I then quickly put the book under a pillow.

"Hey Laurance," said Aphmau, "I didn't get a chance to ask but what were you looking at back at the library?", She asked me.

"UmM nOthIng reAllY.", oh my Shad I did it again.

"Umm, you ok Laurance?"

"Yeah, just tired. I think I'm going to go about deck to get some fresh air.", I said leaving the room.

Aphmau's POV

Laurance hasn't really been Laurance lately. What was he looking at awhile ago. I looked under his pillow to find the book he was looking at the library. I opened the book but it was I another language, then how was Laurance reading this. Thankfully, thanks to Irene I was able to read it. It was a book about the Nether, Shad and Shadow Knights. It had stuff about Nether Portals, Immortality and..., how to REVIVE Shad! Why would Enki keep this. Maybe to prevent others from bringing Shad back. Well, Shad is all ready back. But I found out what's stopping him from attacking us? He needs his relic. Well, I have a feeling as to how has it, Ivy. We just need to get it before Shad does. But why would Laurance hide this? And how could he read it. That brought my mind back to what Shad said in my dream, 'Tell Laurance I said hi.'

No Aphmau, don't think that way, Laurance would never betray you. I placed the book back under his pillow and went above deck. Travis was sailing the ship. I went up to him and told him that we should go to O'kasis first because I think that Ivy has a relic.

"Okay. Next stop O'kasis!"

"Aphmau, after we take care of Ivy can we please try get my mother out of prison?", Garroth asked.

"Of course Garroth!", I told him. When we got to O'kasis we went into two groups, Laurance Garroth and I were together and Katelyn and Travis in the other.

"Why Irene do you torture me.", Katelyn mumbled as she left with travis to find the prison were Lady Zianna was.

We left to find Ivy. When we found her we fought until she was down. She got up so quickly and moved so also it was hard to hit her. House lights came on as people cautiously watched the fight.

"Do you really think you can beat me?!", she panted.

"Just give us the relic Ivy!", I shouted back.

"Over. My. Dead. Body.", she said.

Katelyn must have been successful in finding the Lady Zianna because she stabbed Ivy in the back just as she was about to strike me. PHEW!

"Katelyn!", I whisper-shouted.

"Yep that's my name. And Your welcome."

We left O'kasis, with the relic, leaving the citizens to take matters into their hands to rebel against Tul'la, to the scared forest. Hyria and Zianna caught up and I decided to speak with Hyria when they were done.

"Hyria, when you met me the first time did you know I was Irene's reincarnation?", I asked her.

"Yes child, I did, I also knew that Garroth was Esmund's.", she said giving me a cup of tea.

"How? Garroth remembers about his past as a kid and I don't."

"Garroth, well..., before he was born, Esmund could that he was worthy to be his relic's bearer. The reason Garroth looks like him is a mystery to me, same for your friend Travis. Now Irene, you are her incarnation. When she wanted to start over in life after not being able to feel emotion she asked me to use the staff to seal herself in it and when the time is right free her. But when she was to come out she would have no recollection of her life before. I gave the staff to Vylad and that's how you ended up in Phoenix drop."

"Then, how can I see her in the divine hall?"

"Irene is just a part of you that you have not yet unlocked. Her previous self remains there while you carry on the journey. Any more questions?", she said showing no annoyance at my constant questions.

"Hyria..., Shad is back, and I'm-"

"Worried about your friend Laurance.", she finished my sentence.


"Well, why are you worried child?"

I told her about my dream and the book and the calling.

"I want to help him but I don't know how and I'm not supposed to. But if I don't do something then something might happen."

"As Vylad said you should try not to interfere, he himself is a Knight of Shadows so he should know. But just try to be here for him if anything happens. Let him know that you will always be there for him, no matter what happens."

"Okay thank-you Hyria.", I said leaving the house. Lady Zianna came back with us to the Phoenix Alliance Island and we set up a house for her to stay in a house adjacent to my house.

Hey guys! Shout out to  @Silverfrost1007 thanks for following me. Thank-you so much! Check her out, she has some amazing books there. 

This Chapter was also to clear up how Garroth and Aphmau are related to Irene and Esmund. Anyway, who do you think is talking to Laurance? I know many of you probably already guessed. But what do YOU think is the importance of the book Laurance found? I would love to hear-err see you thoughts! I hope liked this Chapter!                                           

Ta-ta for now~ AstridTJC

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