Chapter 17: Friends?

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Aphmau's POV:

We have searched everywhere for Laurance and we can't find him! Why did he do that!? Why did he leave!? I walked over to Lady Zianna's house to make sure she was okay. She didn't bear any ill towards me, so I'm guessing Garroth didn't tell her. As I left the house I saw Garroth with Travis trying to build a house, most likely for Kiki or Brendan's family. I walked towards them and greeted Travis first.

"Heyyyy~ Aphmau. Came to check out the gun show?", he flirted.

"Travis, save those for Katelyn please. And no I didn't, I just wanted to check up on you guys and ask who's house this will be."

"Oh okay then," he said with disappointment, "Well this house is going to be Brendan's family house. The one next to it will be Kiki's.", his tone changing to proudness.

"Ok great! At least you're getting better at making house's."

"Ha ha, very funny Aphmau. Hey, are you and Garroth okay by the way."


"As soon as you came we walked away to go check upon Vylad.", Travis stated.

"Oh, it's..., it's nothing."

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I don't think I should mingle in other business like that."

"Okay thanks Travis.", I said walking away to find Garroth and check on the others.

Every time I found him he walked away from me. *sigh* Why does life have to be like this sometimes?


"Hi Katelyn.", I greeted the blue haired girl.

"Garroth and I are going to the Divine hall. Maybe we could find answers about Laurance."

"Great idea Katelyn. Sure, I'll tag along."

"Umm..., I know it's not my business to mingle but, Garroth, he found out didn't he?"

I nodded and hung my head down.

"I'm sorry Aphmau. Maybe you should..., give him..., some time."

"Yeah, Maybe. Let's get going shall we."

We walked in awkward silence to the Divine hall, hearing only the birds chirping and leaves crushing beneath our feet. Almost every minute I looked for at Garroth, but he wouldn't even glance at me. I wish I could say something to Garroth, but what could I say, 'Woops, I didn't mean to have sexual activity with someone that I like in a romantic way', no I could definitely not say that. We did the ritual to go to the dimension in complete silence as well. When we got there we waited to be greeted in complete silence also.

"Hello Aphmau, Garroth and Katelyn.", this time instead of Irene or Esmund, Menphia stepped out.

Katelyn was trying so hard to keep her composer. I was so funny seeing her like this.

"I'll take Katelyn to practise, Esmund and Irene will be here soon.", she said walking away with Katelyn who mouthed 'good luck' to me.

Garroth and I stood there in silence, not even a peep came out. I started tapping my shoes on the ground and my hand against my thigh. Ugh, I can't just stay quiet forever, so I decided to cut the ice.


He stayed silent; his back was turned towards me. If silence could kill I'm pretty sure I would be dead.

"Garroth, I'm sorry, it was selfish of me to go a head and do that when I knew you had feelings for me also.", I told him.

He then turned around and glared at me for a bit before talking, "Aphmau, you knew both Laurance and I had feelings for you, you didn't even give us a chance."


"Aphmau as I said I need time to myself for a while. I'll will continue to be your guard Lady Aphmau, but please just give me some space to myself. This is exactly why guard should only have only a formal relationship with their lord.", he whispered the last part.

"O-okay Garroth.", I said, tears forming in my eyes, but he didn't notice so I quickly wiped them away.

We both stood there waiting for Irene and Esmund for when they came. When they did I know they could tell something was wrong between us, but they didn't question it. I decided that now would be a good time to ask Irene about Laurance. I hope she can give me answers, I really miss him. Why are so many people I care about leaving me..., why did I ever leave them?

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