Chapter 13: Dream Or Reality?

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Still on the boat-

Aphmau's POV

Tomorrow we should be back at the island, and first thing I want to do after checking up on Lilith is go ask Irene if I made the right choice choosing Katelyn. From what I saw from my vision Menphia was serious, and relaxed in away and Katelyn does have many of those moments. She isn't one to joke around most of the time. After thinking I went to my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Darkness was all I saw. No, no, not again! I looked to my right and saw Laurance. I carefully walked up to him this time.

"Laurance?" He turned around. I looked behind him and saw no bodies laying on the ground. Phew.

"Aphmau?", he said looking confused. Was this the real Laurance?

"No, it's not. Be on alert Aphmau something isn't right here.", voice told me. It was Irene's.

Laurance didn't seem to hear, "Aphmau? What are you doing here?"

"I-I don't know.", I told him.

I then heard footsteps not belonging to mine nor Laurance. Out of the shadows came Shad.

"Why hello Irene, and Laurance.", he spoke. I could tell that Laurance had no clue as to what's going on or how to react.

"Shad...", I growled quietly, just enough for Laurance and him to hear.

"You always seem to want ruin my plans, eh Irene?", he said in a mocking tone.

It was bad when he threatened me and my friends, it was even worst when he does it in Aarons body.

"Why are you here Shad!?", I asked him furiously.

"*sigh* If I tell you you're just going to try and stop me.", he responded.

I growled in frustration.

"Temper, temper, Irene."

"I shouldn't be the one you're telling that to!"

I tensed, prepared for what may happen. Laurance did the same but had his hand on his sword at the side but held it loosely. He looked almost comfortable.

"Irene you can't stop what's supposed to happen! Laurance. Come here.", he commanded. Laurance didn't move the first time but the second time he commanded Laurance did without hesitation.

"Irene, I want to give you a show case of what WILL happen to you. I'll give you a ten second head start."

What?! I started running knowing what was coming for me, not looking back.

"Laurance, kill her.", I heard him say.

Laurance transformed into a Shadow Knight and ran after me sword in hand. IRENE HELP ME!! I had to fight of Laurance. I transformed into my own form and stood my ground. Laurance lashed at me and I blocked it with my sword. I wasn't going to hurt him, especially if his doing this against his will. And Shad knows that, he knows I won't hurt any of my friends. He stuck at me again just cutting my arm. The cut wasn't big, I was just about bigger than the size of a paper cut.

"Laurance please! I know you don't want to do this!"

His blood red eyes pierced into mine which seemed to get darker every minute. Irene if you can hear me, HELP! Laurance continued attacking me until I knocked him down partially unconscious. I saw his eyes open to his blue ones instead of red.

"Laurance!" I shouted.

"No, Laurance kill her now!"

"Laurance no don't!"

"Do it!"

Laurance kneeled there clutching his head in pain trying to decide on who to obey. He then got up his eyes red. I was about to slash at me until a flash of light. I woke up back in my bed upon the ship. Katelyn staring at me.

"Aphmau! Are you okay!? I was just about to go get Garroth and Laurance!"

I sat there staring at Katelyn, tears starting to form in my eyes. This was worse than I nightmare of any child, it felt so real. I looked at my shoulder and saw the scar of a cut.

"Katelyn...", I said choking on tears, trying not to cry.

"Aphmau? Is everything okay. How did you get that cut..., in your sleep? Did..., you see Shad again?"

I nodded my head.

"Aphmau... did he do that to you, was he trying to..."

"No Katelyn, yes he wanted to kill me, but it wasn't Shad it was Laurance...," I told her about my dream and sat there crying silently as I did.

"Aphmau, we're almost at the Island, I'll inform Garroth that you need rest and that you will not be going to see the Divine today.", Katelyn said getting up.

"Katelyn no. I want to go. I want to see if there is a way to stop seeing Shad in my dreams. And I still want to ask about the relic. Once I've done that I will rest."

"Then I'm guessing you want to go right away then." I nodded.

We walked up to the deck to get fresh air and saw Garroth. Katelyn informed him as to what happened and agreed that we'll go immediately after docking.

After we arrived, I noticed I didn't see Laurance the entire time. I spotted him helping Travis unload the luggage. I didn't feel comfortable going over to talk so I just walked with Garroth and Katelyn to go the Divine Hall. Garroth and I touched the symbols and we entered to the white void we were in every time we came here. We were greeted by Esmund and Irene and told them the events of our trip and asked if Katelyn would be suited to bear the relic of Menphia and they agreed. Then I told them about the dream- I haven't told anyone else but Katelyn, Garroth and them. Irene gave me an amulet that will allow me to never see those visons again as long as I wore it when I slept. And she did the same for Garroth and one for Katelyn just in case.

We left the realm and told Katelyn the news. She was trying so hard not to scream out of joy when we did. Honestly, I would be excited also if I were chosen to be a relic holder by the Divine themselves.

"Katelyn, go ahead. Go Fangirl in the forest.", I told her.

She ran into the forest and screamed her head off. I would be surprised if Tul'la didn't hear her.

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