The Saints and The Sinners: Part 1

Start from the beginning

'Dat's da kid, isn't it?' Scout asks.


'Should we help him?' Demo asks.

I just lightly shake my head.


4 day timeskip

I wake up and start my day as usual. Breakfast, get dressed, then head to Kuoh.

As I walk through the streets of Japan, I wonder just what the hell is going on. A weird bird-girl hybrid, Issei is somehow fine after nearly dying, and I'm starting to get that weird feeling the others were talking about.

You guys might actually be right. Something isn't right here. I'm starting to think that the 'Merasmus Apprentice' joke I made 2 days ago might actually be possible.

'Yes. There does indeed seem to be something supernatural happening.' Spy says.

'And that feeling that we get was stronger when that Gremory girl interacted with you.' Engi explained.

You saying that she's the one causing all this?

'Goodness, no. Ve are simply saying zat she might know somezing about vhat's going on here.' Medic replied.

Maybe. If that's the case, how do we get her to answer our questions?

'Hm hrmph hrm.' Pyro said.

'Agreed. Though the sheila may know something, keep in mind that she's still a teenage girl.' Sniper agreed.

True. But I'm also a teenage boy.

'Technically speaking, your still 24. Merasmus simply de-aged you by seven years.' Medic explained.

Dammit! You and your technicalities... Ugh, fine. I guess I'll ask politely... ech.

I don't know why I can't just-


What the hell was that?

'To your right, you Cuban bastard.' Soldier says.

Rude, but thank you for giving me a direction this time.

I look to my right and see 4 guys mugging... a... nun.

What the hell happened to decency?

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What the hell happened to decency?

'Should we help her?' Engineer asked.

Yeah, why not? I'm getting antsy for some action... non-supernatural action.

I take out a baseball bat and walk towards the men.

"Hey!" I shout.

They all look to me.

"Get lost, kid. We're having a bit of fun." The first one said.

"I don't have a problem with you mugging people. What I do have a problem with is you mugging helpless little girls. I mean, come on. That's kind of sad." I say.

"Well lookie here, boys. We got ourselves a hero." The second one said.

The first one shoved the girl into the arms of the third guy, then pulled out a tiny little switch blade.

"Oh no! A knife! I'm so scared! Whatever shall I do?!" I exclaim sarcastically.

'Need I remind you of ze things I can do with a knife.' Spy says.

No... but these guys aren't you, are they.

'Hehehe. No, they're not. Give them hell.' Spy says.

"A comedian, too." The first one chuckles.

"I guess that's more fun for us." The fourth one adds.

The first one jabs his knife at me, but I simply catch his wrist and knock the knife out of his hand. I then let go, then I bash the bat into his stomach, making him hunch over. I then swing the bat up into his face.

"Damn you!" The second guy shouts while charging at me.

Before he can even take a swing at me, I punch his face into the wall. I then grab his head and slam it into a dumpster.

"Look out!" The girl shouts, bringing my attention to the third guy.

The third mugger swings his life down at me, but I block the attack using the bat. I then kick him in the stomach, causing him to hunch over. I then swing the bat down onto his head.

The fourth mugger jabs his knife at me, but I dodge it, then jab the bat into his stomach, knocking him to the ground. I then swing the bat down onto his face.

Now that those shitheads are taken care of, I take a quick breath.

"Uh, t-thank you."

I turn and see the girl looking at me.

"What?" I ask, not really understanding her the first time.

"Thank you for saving me." She says.

"No problem. You just stay out of more trouble." I say.

"I will. Thank you again." She says.

Then she walks away, and I continue my walk to Kuoh.

'For some odd reason, I ca' help bu' feel like we'll be seein' more o' tha' lass.' Demo says.

Yeah... I feel that way too...

It's similar to how I felt when we met Issei and Gremory...

Where did Merasmus send us?

What the fuck is going on?

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