The Letter

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"Hagrid: Harry -- yer a wizard.

Harry: I'm a what?Hagrid: A wizard."

Morgan Stark waited outside of the school building after saying bye to her friend's only three good ones, holding her books as tightly to her chest as she could. The rain was coming down in sheets and Morgan didn't have an umbrella. School had been terrible, Happy was to pick her up, and all she wanted was to curl up in bed under a warm blanket. The rain was so cold and cut like a knife straight through the threads of Morgan's sweater. She knew that she would most likely catch a chill after standing out here for so long. And she knew that she was completely able to stand with the rest of the children up by the doors of the school building. Up there, by the doors, an outcropping ledge protected the children from the pouring New York rain. But, Morgan would rather stand here in the rain than go stand by those monsters for another second.

Just when Morgan was beginning to think to call Happy and see where he was, the familiar black town car pulled up to the curb. Sighing with relief, Morgan practically ran towards the car. As she approached the car, Happy jumped out and met her halfway, his umbrella in hand and outstretched to cover Morgan's head.

"Hey Morgan," Happy greeted her. "Why are you soaking wet?"

"It's raining,Happy, " Wanda said, briefly dragging Morgan inside, who probably was upset.

She didn't feel like talking about her day. Happy and Wanda seemed to sense this from her curt response. Instead of prodding and poking for more information, Wanda grabbed a warm, dry blanket out of the trunk of the car, passed it to Morgan, while Happy began driving.

After wrapping herself in the blanket, Morgan leaned against the window of the car and watched as the buildings blurred together and the people flashed by faster than Morgan could identify any distinguishing features. It was easy to get swept up just watching the shapes and colors pass her by. It was easy to forget about her bad day and ignore the world.

Morgan was swept up in watching the street pass by as they were heading to the Compound.

However, when the car stopped moving and as she looked out her window, things seemed to come into focus. Morgan realized that Happy had driven to a McDonalds'. She felt her eyes moisten slightly with the beginnings of tears as she remembered he told her at her father's funeral he'll get all the cheeseburgers she wants.

"How many do you want?" Happy asked, breaking the long silence.

"Just one, but can I get fries and a milkshake too?" Morgan asked, realizing that along with being upset, she also was famished.

"Of course," Happy replied.

The voice crackled through the drive-through loudspeaker as Happy ordered Morgan's cheeseburger, fries, and shake. He pulled up to the window, paid, and collected their order. As Happy passed Morgan her McDonald's bag and shake, he asked, "Do you feel like talking about it yet?"

"Happy, there really isn't anything to talk about," Morgan sighed.

"Middle schoolers suck. And all the ones here are douche bags."

"Hey, young miss, I don't like that language," Wanda reprimanded.

"Sorry, but it's true," Morgan argued. "And I know you people are right when you all say they're just intimidated by a ten sorry an eleven-year-old being in middle school with them. But, I still can't help but think that these kids are more than the usual variety of idiotic douche bags"

"You know what, Morgan? It sounds like there's a lot more than a couple of douche bag kids bothering you," Wanda observed making Morgan laugh.

Wanda, Happy and Morgan walked towards the compound. Morgan dried herself up and entered the living room. There Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, and Bruce all were all sitting and were discussing something.

"Hey, Friday," Morgan called. "Play some AC/DC."

She started to munch on her burgers.

"Of course, Miss. Stark," the AI replied before the sound of Highway to Hell sounded from the room sound system drowned out all other noises. The group had to leave Morgan and Harley alone who were enjoying the music.

Pepper came back from work. As she entered the house with Happy, she saw Bruce sleeping on the floor, and beside them was Morgan, who was working on her suit again.

"Why do you always hack into my suit ?"Pepper asked.

"Cause I like too?" Morgan said winking at her mother while drinking chlorophyll smoothie thing just like Tony. Like him, she wore his glasses.

'What a resemblance!!' Pepper thought.

"Harry is sleeping inside as I was teaching them both self-defense 3 hours ago."Bruce said as they walked down the Avengers Compound.

Pepper gasped, "Why do you such things? I mean they are just kids."

"Oh shit, I forgot the cake!!" Bruce exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I got this one" Steve said who was there with Sam. Wanda and Scott appear both in their hands holding tiny cakes.

"Sir, it's 11:55," Friday said. They all run down the corridor.

The door bang open, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!", they all shouted as Harry appears.

"Wheres's Morg?"Peter inquired.

"Maybe sleeping while working" Wanda reminded them. They entered her lab and "Boom" they all were shocked at that sound. It was Thor, Jean, Scott, and Morgan playing pranks on the others again. The group celebrated their birthday with lots of enjoyment.

Scott pressed a button and all the cakes turned into big eleven cakes. Morgan and Harry were shocked. Everyone presents them with gifts and they cut the cake ' Together'. Everyone goes to rest except Pepper, Bruce, Happy, Rhodey, Steve, and Wanda. The next day, a very big surprise waits for them.

"Morgan!" Harley and Peter called as they ran into the living room. "There's a letter for you! "

"Who's the letter from?" Morgan asked, confused rubbing her eyes, awakened by her brothers. "I don't get letters from anyone. More importantly, who still uses the mail these days?"

"NO IDEA!" Bruce remarked.

"Email is so much more efficient," Morgan said chuckling.

"I don't know who the letter is from, Morg," Harley replied as he took a seat.

Morgan and Harry began reading the letter, with Harley and Peter looking at them and back at the group who were trying to hold their chuckle.

After a few moments of silence, Harley and Peter saw that Harry and Morgan were staring, their mouth slightly agape, at the letter, they had opened. It was a thick, yellowish parchment that Harley found odd.

"What does it say, Honey?" Pepper asked Morgan.

"Apparently, It says I'm a witch," Morgan replied amused. Harley chokes on his coffee whilst everyone started cheering.

Dear Miss Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that we have a place for you at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress.

Smiling mischievously, Morgan and Harry begin writing their letter to the Deputy Headmistress informing her, that they'll be joining them soon.

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