Train To Hogwarts

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Days went by and finally, it was night when all the Stark Kids, non-biological siblings were sitting in the living room before Morgan and Harry leave for Hogwarts.

"NOOOOO! Why can Morgan go and we can't!" yelled an overdramatic Peter like a child getting told that his favorite show was being canceled.

"Peter, she's my sister, and my brother Harry is too going but...," Harley shouts.

"So what Harry will be with me I AM HAPPY!!" Morgan said getting overexcited knocking off as many as Wanda's vases.

"YES," Harry shouts.

"NOOO" Peter and Harry shout simultaneously."WE TOO WANT TO GO!"

The protests didn't stop until their Uncle Thor screamed for them to stop. And they had to stop because if they woke him up again they would be roasted by lightning that was sure.


The next day arrived and Morgan was woken by Scott(Ant-Man), and Clint jumping on her bed. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THE TRAIN DO YOU!?"

Morgan grumbled and pushed them off the bed.

"Are these idiots bothering you little princess?" a booming voice asked and picked up her Uncles. Morgan looked and nodded at Thor. He smiles slyly at Morgan and wink, "Then we have to change that now do we!" He yelled then dashed out of the room with both Uncle Scott and Clint on his shoulders. Morgan laughed lightly and got ready. She never forgets to take her Stark specs.


Today was 1st September when they had to leave. Morgan and Harry weren't terrified at the thought of a new school but with the people that they were leaving—their superfamily.

"Hey, sweetheart, what you thinking?" Pepper asked Morgan as she made her way towards the living room.

"Mom ....I'm kind of scared," Morgan told her shyly. She lightly laughed and shook her head.

"It's okay to be scared darling. It's normal." She said placing a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

Morgan shook her head "it's not that I'm scared of. But by what Hagrid said, Voldemort. The Kids Who Lived."

"OH don't think about it!" Jean said as she took all her stuff telepathically into the Jet.

Morgan and Harry along with Pepper walked to the landing-place outside the Compound and met up with the rest of the family. Everyone was there and was waiting for them.

"Little ones you ready?" Erik asked with a smile on his face.

They all decided to keep a low profile because if everyone apparently found out that Morgan Stark was at King Cross Station, the press would be following them around.

"Question is are we all going?" Hank asked igniting a war between everyone. After the grueling battle on who was gonna come with Harry and Morgan, they had decided at last.

Charles and Jean had no problem as they could use their telepathy to convince everyone and got onto the jet. Hank and Raven were going to be on controls along with Clint because they were flying them to the spot. Erik had to come as if he didn't not, he would not allow the Jet to fly. Rhodes had to come as he was Morgan's first Godfather while Harley and Peter were her brother. Wanda, Stephen, Sam, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, all were going.

From the place where the jet landed, the Stark family would go through cars maintaining high security. The time came for Harry and Morgan to leave the superfamily.

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