The Diagon Alley

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The greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. 

-Roald Dahl

It was settled already by Pepper and others. Hagrid took Harry and Morgan from the Quinjet to their school shopping.

Hagrid opens the door for the group, and they enter; the pub is dimly lit, filled with men and women wearing cloaks. The room is filled with joyful chatter. Morgan, Harry, and Hagrid entered into the "Leaky Cauldron" as they call it. It was a dark shabby pub. In a corner, there were old women, who were drinking, and a woman who was smoking a pipe as long as her arm.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" A man behind the bar asks and stared at Harry and Morgan, "Good Lord. Is this? Can this be them?" He said peering.

"Bless my soul. It's Morgan and Harry Potter!" he exclaimed, the entire bar stopped, everything went quiet and everybody started staring and shouting.

Pepper had an important meeting with the council. Charles and Jean using their power were invisible, took the assumed twins with a half-giant named, Hagrid to the Diagon Alley. They were practically overjoyed on seeing such an unbelievable scene right now.

"I can't believe it! It is really Mr. and Ms. Potter! Welcome back!" The bartender said.

Morgan held Charles's invisible hand, tightly, while Harry returned the same gesture with Jean. Soon everyone was on their feet, coming to Harry and Morgan, they were shaking their hands, saying words of encouragement and some questions about James, and Lily Potter.

"Welcome back, Mr. and Miss Potter. Welcome back." A man says, as he enthusiastically shakes Morgan's hand. Harry and Morgan turn away, only to be confronted by an oddly dressed woman.

"Doris Crockford. I can't believe I'm meeting you two at last." she shakes their hands."So proud, Mr. and Ms. Potter, I'm just so proud."

"Always wanted to shake your hand -- I'm all of a flutter."

"Delighted, Mr. and Ms. Potter, just can't tell you, Diggle's the name, Dedalus Diggle."

"I've seen you before!" said Harry, as Dedalus Diggle's top hat fell off in his excitement.

"You bowed to us once in a shop." Morgan continues.

"They remember!" cried Dedalus Diggle, looking around at everyone. "Did you hear that? They remember me!"

" Harry a-and Mo-Morgan P-Po-Potter. C-Can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you," A man with a turban stuttered.

"Professor! Didn't see yeh there. Harry, Morgan, this 'ere's Professor Quirrell. He'll be yeh Defense 'gainst the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts," Hagrid informed them.

"F-F-Fearfully f-fascinating subject. N-Not that you n-need it P-P-Potters," Professor Quirrell said stumbling over his own words. Poor guy. His eyes flickered from Morgan's to Harry's forehead, probably looking at their scar.

"Oh, nice to meet you," Morgan said softly as she outstretches her hand to him.

"Yes, well, must get on, lots teh buy," Hagrid said while he dragged them, to what seems like a back door to the pub.

"See, tol' yeh two you are famous," Hagrid said while leading them to a solid brick wall.

"Why are we famous, Hagrid?" Harry asked.

'Because I am a Stark?' Morgan thinks which makes Charles smile.

"Don't think I'm the right one teh tall yeh that," he told them, and Hagrid then turned to the wall. The wall started parting. The wall was wiggling and jiggling until an archway appeared, giving out a cobbled street so long and twisted it looks like it would never, ever end.

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