13 | Halloween

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"Everything you see happening was meant to happen, to teach you something."

~Charles Xavier, Potter Twins Series.

Morgan and Harry meet Oliver early in the morning to go over how Quidditch works and how to play. If they were going to play for Gryffindor, they needed to know-how. 

"Hey, Oliver!" They chorus as they set their rucksacks on the ground.

"Hello, Potters." Oliver says carrying a big brown chest that seemed to weigh at least a million pounds.

"So, Quidditch is easy enough to understand," Oliver says as he set it down. 

"In Quidditch, each team has seven players. Three Chasers- that's you Harry, Two Beaters, One Keeper, And One Seeker." Oliver explains. 

Oliver kneels down and opening the  wooden chest to reveal three balls. 

"There are 3 types of balls." he says as he pulls out the biggest ball, which is dark red coloured, "This one is the Quaffle." 

He throws the "Quaffle" to Harry, which he catches easily.

"Harry you as a Chaser have to handle the Quaffle and put it in one of those three hoops," Oliver says pointing to the hoops seen on the field. He put the Quaffle back down.

"The Beaters, like Fred and George, have a club and they keep the Bludger away from their team and try to aim it at the opposing team." Oliver says.

"I did not think it could be that violent. "Morgan says.

"Wait..how do those balls act?" Harry asks.

"Here, you two take these," Oliver says handing the batons to the confused children. He let the Bludger out and it flew off into the air. It suddenly turned as it was coming back. "Careful now, it's coming back." Oliver says with no fear detected in his voice. Like it was an instinct, Harry hits the ball with the baton sending it away.

"Not bad, Potter. You'd make a fair Beater." He compliments. The ball begins zooming back and Oliver's smile fades.


The ball zooms down and hits him square in the stomach. He falls to the ground as if he was wrestling with the ball. He finally manages to put it back in the chest. 

"Well, that's brutal." Morgan says.

" Yeah, nasty little bluggers. But you, are a Seeker," Oliver smiles looking at Harry, "The only ball I want you to worry about is this...." 

He opens the small Hogwarts Crest inside which was a small golden ball. 

"The Golden Snitch" He says as he holds the small golden ball in front of Morgan's face.

"I like this ball." Morgan says giggling as the ball wanders around her.

"Oh, you like it now, but just you wait. It's wicked fast, and damn near impossible to see." Oliver says. Morgan let the ball go and it flew away in less than a millisecond.

"What does she have to do with the Snitch?" Morgan asks with high levels of curiosity.

"She catches it. Before the other team's Seeker does. If she does, we win." Oliver says as he started to pick up the chest assuming the lesson was over.



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