The Night it all Happened

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"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."

William Shakespeare

Time passed. People got used to staying without their loved ones, but they never got into the habit of living without their loved ones. Somewhere they wished that in the end, their loved ones come back. They didn't know how, but they wished at least this is what they could expect.

Life was boring, sad, and disappointed for them. Nothing new. They had photographs of the people they missed to stare at for hours. but it was not the same for the Stark and Potter families.

31st October

They were currently living in their small, cozy home in Godric's Hollow.

Tony and Pepper were out while the two children were at home giggling and smiling as James tickled them. Lily was cleaning the kitchen mess when she heard the kids laughing about and she smiled. She knew it was this moment could be taken away at time. Taking into consideration, a prophecy concerning Harry and Morgan.y

Lily could hear squealing in the living area to find her husband throwing Harry and Morgan in the air with magic. But the kids were enjoying it.

"James Potter!", exclaimed Lily while taking Morgan in her arms, while James quickly grabbed Harry. "How dare you!?" Lily asked menacingly.

All James could do was stutter at her sudden harshness. Soon a booming laugh could be heard from Lily.

"Oh, dearest, you need to understand a joke!" Lily exclaimed while trying to manage a baby crawling out of her arms.

"And you, need to understand social ques!" James replied while leaning in to earn a kiss from his beautiful wife.

Crack! Just then they heard gate creaking open. With wards up around their house only a few slected were allowed inside. And they know who was it.

"It must be Padfoot!" James Potter rushed to the window. Instead of his best friend stood in a dark cloak walking almost gliding towards the front door-the Dark Lord. "Here, take Harry and Morgan upstairs! I'll fight him off! Don't stay here!! GO GO" James said seriously.

A million thoughts were going through James' head; they had been betrayed, and now they were going to pay for putting their trust in one particular person.

"I can't leave you, James!" Lily cried as she gently grabbed young Harry from James' arms,. "I love you!"

"And I love you too...always!" James screamed, "Go!"

James knew in his heart, that he would never see Lily again. He knew that he was currently in his last moments of life

But he had to give his family a fighting chance.

Then she sped upstairs. Lily took one last look at James, before sprinting upstairs and regretfully leaving her wand downstairs.

Lily took the Floo powder, "Hogwarts" but nothing happened. Lily placed both kids in the crib. Heart beating fast and mind racing incomprehensibly, Lily made a split-second decision to barricade the room. She pushed a large cupboard in front of the door, knowing that it would delay Lord Voldemort.

It was then that Harry and Morgan began crying.

She then collapsed beside Harry and Morgan's cot and stared straight into the eyes of the children.

"Harry... You are so loved... so loved. Harry, Mama loves you, Dada loves you too, Harry be safe. Morgan, we all love you." Lily said in a hushed voice, in a feeble attempt to keep them calm.

A loud thump made her jump very suddenly, and she caught sight of an unmistakable green flash of light through the small, thin gaps in the door.

James was dead. This much she was certain.

A sob escaped her mouth, and she pulled herself to her feet.

She took one final glance at Harry and Morgan, before turning to the door, ready to protect them with everything she had, with tears running down her cheeks.

Suddenly, the furniture was blown away, along with the door, revealing Lord Voldemort, in the flesh.

Lily swallowed the lump in her throat and stared straight into the Dark Lord's eyes.

"Stand aside, and you will be spared," Voldemort said, pointing his wand straight at Lily, "Move I have come for the twins, not YOU silly mudblood!!"

"Please, have mercy. Kill me instead!" Lily pleaded.

"Stand aside, silly girl!" Voldemort hissed. "This doesn't concern you."

"Please, anything but my children! I'll do anything!"

"Stand aside!" Voldemort warned, for the very last time.

"Please! Not Harry and Morgan!" Lily cried, standing her ground, tears dripping down her face.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A bright green spark hit Lily's chest and she froze. Memories flashed behind her eyelids before she hit the ground with a loud thump.

She was dead.

Voldemort then turned to Harry and Morgan, who were still sat in their cot, crying.

They were the true reason he visited Godric's Hollow for.

He looked down at them: at the tears running from their eyes and at the overall distress they were obviously feeling.

Yet, he felt no pity for sympathy for them. Instead, he only felt a need to get the job done.

He pointed his wand at Morgan, deciding to end the girl's life first.

"Avada Kedavra." He said, for the third time that night.

A green spark shot from Voldemort's wand, and simultaneously Morgan's once brownish-black eyes turned into flaming golden.

The green spark hits Morgan's forehead. But something remarkable happened that night; instead of killing her, the green spark left only a peculiar shaped scar, and then it rebounded at Harry giving him the same scar on his forehead. The spark then rebounded once again, and again towards the caster himself.

He was now nothing. He was almost ripped from his body. The spark destroyed almost Voldemort's body. He was now nothing.

He couldn't stay in the house of his enemy. He fled leaving the two kids.

Lily's lifeless body was lying in the corner, and the pale-skinned man had disappeared. Harry and Morgan were left in the crib, crying, with lightning scars planted on their foreheads.

Even though Harry and Morgan were left with no memory of that dreaded night, news of what happened spread like wildfire.

That night, every witch and wizard who were left after the Snap raised a glass to Harry and Morgan for they ended Voldemort's reign of terror.

And from that night on, they were known as The Kids Who Lived or The Twins Who Lived.

Hagrid brings the two to Dumbledore and Minerva.

He leaves saying." See you both after 11 years".

Minerva wraps them in blankets. "They both have a mark for surviving the killing curse," Dumbledore explained as Minerva examined the scars on Harry and Morgan's forehead.

"These marks will never go," Dumbledore says as Minerva takes Morgan in her hand and he takes Harry into his. Turning to the two. "The Wizardry World know you both as twins. You have a long way to go. All the best Harry Potter and Morgan Potter Stark."

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