the end

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Beam's P. O. V


"Beam come home right now "  call Mr. Baramee..  I wanted to oppose but I know I couldn't...

I went home

The watchman uncle open the main door...

I stepped out the car and hand him the keys....

Everytime time I have come here is terribly memorable...

I don't know what's going to happen this time...

Mr baramee come outside the door at meet me there half way....

I looked at him before I could say hello


He slapped me hard...

I fell down on the grass...

"you bloody piece of shit how dare "

Mr. Baramee again slap me...

It hurts.. Really but I didn't show it on my face...

I stood up and bow my head down...

He grabbed my collar and dragged me inside the house...

I slowly tried to look at Mrs.  Baramee but... Forget it what was I even thinking that "she will save me"   of course not... If she can she would have already beat to death.....

With a disgusting look he leave my hand and look straight again in my eyes....

"you bastard... What you think you are doing huh ??? "   he shouted on me...

I was trembling with fear.. My heart was afraid and stared beating loudly but I didn't show them that their action are making me physically weak...

"what I did???"   with confidence but slowly I asked...

"you don't know... Hell with you,, you came first in medical... How.... didn't you know that   you shouldn't.  You want to cut my nose... What you wanna show huh??.... "... .

I was not amused by them... It's true if I start studying seriously then I can even beat phana... But didn't know why I am not allowed to be on limelight.. ..

I was still standing on my grounds without any movement and sternly looked in his eyes....

He looked more mad on me but he just left without looking back at me...

I wonder why...  But it was answered when two man from outside came to me and start beating me....

End of flashback

I still remember how painful was that .. I was hospitalized for few days...

The same anger and hurt I am feeling today.....

But the person.... Forth how can I...  I love him more then anyone..  He's my love....

"beam come let's go "....

He called name....

Fine forth if this is what you want... I don't see any reason to live anymore..   You hate me...  Then there's nothing to live on.... After all ,,I have vow on our wedding that I will do anything for your happiness even it cost my self...

I followed him... He lead me to our gazebo....

I felt like a robot doing everything thing forth is saying...

My Revenge (love)  *complete*Where stories live. Discover now