he's gone

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'looking at his old pictures only make me think that it's been year I haven't seen him he must have changed as he look on tv'

'looking at his old pictures only make me think that it's been year I haven't seen him he must have changed as he look on tv'

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'It' been four years since i last saw forth after he wake up from his coma'

'and only a year left for us being 'us' again'

'i remember his words ...what he told me'

' but i haven't heard his name for last four years'

'have he found someone else '

'but we still have one more year'

"ai' beam there's a patient waiting for you and here you are being lazy"             i heard kit's voice call  me 

"what happen"          he asked again when he saw my teary eyes  .

"you miss forth??"          he answered his own question when i can't open my lips ...

"i miss him kit , i miss him so dam much ... what if he already have someone else "

"he won't beam .... you both still have one more year right?   remember what he told you and what you both promised to each other "

i nodded my head while remembering our promise ...


It's been two years and forth still haven't  woke up from his deep slumber .

i am still waiting for him , i know he will wake up 

i know my love is strong that he won't  go anywhere without me ..

i am still sitting holding his hand and don't know when i felt asleep ................

i woke up when i felt someone roaming his hand in my hairs...

i sleepinly looked up only to surprise  me with forth smiling towards me ..

"forth!!!!"           i almost screamed and hugged him tightly ........

"are you alright forthy "

"is your head alright"

"can you see everything clearly"

"do you feel nauseous "

"is legs and hands working "

i bombarded forth with lots questions and all he did was laugh ...

fucking seriously ......  he is laughing when here i am on the verge of crying and now i noticed that my tears are already flowing slowly .

"my beamie .shh ....why don't  you ask them how i am doing "

and then i looked around and saw the team of forth's doctors including pha and kit are here ..

"he is perfectly alright ai' beam.... he woke up an hour ago while you were sleeping and  he just need few physical therapy so his muscles starts to works perfectly again .... and i guess we should leave now , take care "                     said pha and kit hugged me when i am still in forth's arms and then everyone left .

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