last day 3..

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Forth P. O. V

I left beam in our bedroom just to make sure everything is OK..

I stared make call to plan and make this evening perfect death day for him..

Beam just wait na..  You'll  be free soon..

"ring ring ring... " oh the most awaiting call is here

"hello "

"is it forth jaturapoom "

"yes... Is my thing ready??? "

"yes sir it's ready , when should
We deliver it?? "

"just come in 10mins "

"okay boss"

When beam told me that he's going outside for something...

I literally wanted to do a happy dance....  Perfect.... Thank you beam for making it much easier for me....

"knock knock"

Wow....  See today God is also on my side..

I quickly ran towards the main door...

And here is my angle......

"sir your delivery " ....i even didn't let him complete his words.... And paid him.......

The delivery boy left my mantion and I, the great forth jaturapoom went to the kitchen....

"hmm mmmm hmmmm mmmm"

Why I am humming???

Cause I am happy.....

I took out some reddish,  three tomatoes,  two potatoes,  two hand full of French beans..

And started washing them...

I washed them properly and and start peeling off the potatoes and a layer of reddish...

Cut them and then put them together on gas stove..

(( A\N. I am really sorry, I don't don't know how to cook,  even instant noodles  is pain in Ass for me... But cup noodles are fine... Sorry bare with me))

I quickly made mix veg for beam and rice...

I know he will like whatever I cook...

I specially put capsicum... Why???  Because I have allergy with capsicum so beam won't offer me to to eat it...

Well our dinning table is all set with grilled octopus, roasted chicken, cake and ice-cream... And the best dish which I made with my own hands..

I carefully picked up the delivery box and open it with care...

Tanana tanana.... I said happily

So the most awaiting thing is here in front of me

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So the most awaiting thing is here in front of me...

I looked at the wall clock and it say that beam might be coming home anytime...

I picked the bottle carefully and with too much care I opened it..

Description says that only two three drop will complete their work..

But of course for me two - three drop means four or five..

With so much attention I put four drops in the mix veg.. 

I took the bottle and threw it in the kitchen Dustbin... 

I came back in living room and saw beam behind the curtain.....

I don't think he saw if he had then he will shout on me, ran away but he didn't do anything....

"beam baby what are you doing their, come here.. "

I called him and with his cute baby steps he come closer to me...

" I have made dinner for you baby... Let's eat it and then let's go somewhere, I have already found o place for our date"..i said to him. Pulling him closer to me and hugged him tightly.

"Er.. Forth you cooked?? "    beam asked me.. Confusedly..

"yet why can't i"  I answered him with a flat tone..

"yes if course you can.. "   he also used flat tone to answer me back..

"forth you are sweating you stink.. Go take a shower first,  then we'll start our date "..  He said I looked at my self and yey I am sweating and stinking..

He Releases himself from my embrace   and start taking out something from his shopping bag...

Oh so he want to mall...

"okay then wait I'll be quick "  I said happily and pecked his lips....










I took shower and I am sure this time my plan will succeed.. 





'But am I doing the right thing??? '

I shook my head from where the hell this thought invade my mind..


On the other side,  downstairs. Beam had only one thought in his mind and teary eyes asking to no one..

"why forth "




Hello, everyone..

So what are your views about this chapter..

I think this story is soon going to end..

Only few chapters left..

And yey I am not going anywhere..

I will only write on watt pad..

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BTW have you checked my new one shot of Ming kit..

Here's the link..

Please go and check it out

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