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After forth went to dome ,he was successful in making dome forgive him but not to forget that dome was enjoying every second when forth afraid thinking  that dome will not forgive him......

Dome was now happy that forth believe him  ..... That forth is afraid of losing him ....

losing a trust is something that can never be again back.....

they  say if your trust is broken once than no matter how much you try there will be some knot that will be   left  behind..............

and forth could  try his best but gaining    trust of dome and  if any chance dome start to trust him back but one single misunderstanding will shatter everything again............

But there was no chance that dome was going to trust forth ever again .......

and forth , no one would believe him if he say that he loves dome with his whole heart and if you ask him who is beam?????????  

Forth will answer with a big smile which can be clearly seen in his eyes .....

he says that beam   , beam was someone who was  precious to him , his first love , the person who taught him the meaning of love , life , and more important his first man to make his heart flutter . Beam was the person whom he loves..  He loved no he loves beam insanely .......He loved beam .

and if you ask him who is dome ???????????

and again with a sweet smile which also can be seen from his eyes ...

Dome..  Dome is a person who gave him a second chance,  the person who came in his life when he was not living himself..  Dome is a person who make him believe in love again..  Dome is a person whom he love..   He loves..


It's been two months of forth and dome,s relationship .

They both are happy with their current situation ..

forth is happy that he is being loved .. so much happy that its only dome whom he can see now . Blind in love , totally .

and dome ?   he is happy that forth trust him .. he is happy that the day is near ...

he just can,t wait to break forth again ...

Right now dome is cutely sulking while  sitting on the C.E.O'S chair in forth's main office ..

Why ??    because when is , today he was visiting forth the and asked the receptionist about forth's office ,  she told him that  "sir , the C.E.O is in the meeting right now and you need to show me your appointment first "    

"love ,  see i have fired that receptionist now  sweety please talk to me na na na  "            said the C.E.O    almost begging dome ..

he is not replying forth from last one hour ...

but now he himself think that he should stop now before forth stop......

"hmm . okay P ... but i am little dizzy  now "      of course  dome lied but forth got worried for true ..

"baby , why , look here "    asked worried forth and kneel down in front of  dome to match his height  and cupped dome's face while examine his face .

"sweety tell me honestly did you had your lunch "     dome felt butterflies in his stomach when forth called him sweetie . He still can't adjust himself with forth's endearment calls  .......


"what errr "    asked  forth while arching his brows ..

"no P"  

"WHAT "   forth didn't wanted to raise his voice but it just happened ..

"okay .. let's go get some lunch first "   

and they both enjoyed their lunch until both of them got a message ..

'let's start from day after tomorrow '    from p'luv        on dome's  phone .

'**************'     from unknown      on forth's  phone ...

dome was ready to execute his plan unaware of the plan which forth was plotting .........


Forth is back guys

uff     now what's forth is planning ..

god so confussing huh??????



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