Chapter 3: First Encounter

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That's enough...

Author's Point of View...

You freed yourself from your friends grip while they keep trying to stop you but you didn't and run towards Kai who was still crouching down holding his stomach and groaning in pain while Jimin was laughing with his Friends and shout "just stop it! Just stop all of this!" You crouch down in front of him, grasping Kai's shoulder gently, checking onto him while lighty rubbing your hand against his arm in a reassuring manner.

Jimin turns around after hearing a soft voice telling him to stop, he looks at a girl's back who is comforting that guy he beat the shit out.
You stood up and turn towards Jimin, flipping your hair over your back as you felt super irritated as it was coming in your face again and again, Jimin's eyes widens a little, his heart beat increases rapidly in his chest.

His heart was literally hammering in his chest, he was afraid that others can hear it too. It was the first time he was feeling something like this. He never felt such attraction towards anyone. He just looks at you without even blinking. Just looking at you while other things blurred for him. Only you're visible for him.

"How can you even do this to anyone" You said as you look straight towards him, glaring daggers at him while he looks at you softly and a small smile tug on his lips. "What do you think you can do whatever you want? No you can't do that!" You slightly yelled, your voice came out firm while he's still looking at you in complete silence.

"And who the hell are you?" You asks him, crossing your arms against you chest, nose slight flaring in anger. There's a moment of silence there, everyone held there breaths waiting for sometime to Happened before He took a step towards you"I don't know..." He lowly says and took some more step towards you, Looking so softly towards you and smiling.

"...What about you?" He stood in front of you, looking at you from head to toe then again back to your eyes, you did the same but not like him, you were glaring daggers at him, your hands in fist. When both of you were busy staring at each other Kai watched Jimin was coming close to you so he quickly tried to stood up.

"Don't you dare-" Kai came in between you and Jimin and breaks both of your eye contact competition and tried to punch Jimin but he stops his hand in the air still looking at you and there was a small smile on his lips. Kai huffs in anger as he freed himself from his grasp and punched Jimin making him Fall on the ground, Jimin groans a little.

His Friends tried to came in between but again, Jimin stops them.
"Let him" Jimin says and stood up. Kai grab from his collar from one hand and punched him in the stomach what the other. Jimin was unbothered because he looking at you, only you. Kai pushes Jimin which made jimin stumbled his back hitting the wall. Kai punched him near his lips making  the corner of his lips bleed. Kai kneed him in the stomach making Jimin groan.

He lastly pushes Jimin voilently making him again stumbled but this time his Friends caught him before he could touch the ground. His friends stared dragging him outside while he was smiling looking towards you, they finally left after all the commotion caused in the venue hall. "Where's Emma?" Her mother asked worriedly after not finding Emma anywhere in the wall. You look back towards where Emma was standing but now she was no where to found. Once again, chaos filled the venue hall as everyone tried to find Emma.


"Where is my son?" Mr. Park asks to one of the maids as he tuck his hand in his expensive suit's pocket. A frown resting onto his face as his features show how tired he is but still the work is work. The grey lines in his hair and mustache making him look a little more aged then his actual age, a frown tug onto his lips after waiting for his son which was no where to be seen, his eyes tired and slightly red due to constantly working on his office computer for hours. A few wrinkles covering his forehead.

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