Chapters 43: Lovestruck

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Walking into the familiar crowded and bickering classroom with your friends as you all walk to your seats before plopping on them. "So you and Tyson are finally dating?" You ask Azelia with a teasing gaze. "Yeah" She said with her cheeks turning to crimson red.

"Oh really? Because I thought someone said you two were just friends" Ava says as rubs her chin before giggling at Azelia flustered self. "Oh c'mon! Stop with the teasings!" Azelia let out a squeak, catching attention of a few people in class before ducking her head down in embarrassment.

"I hate you two" She mumbles.

"Ohh~ and love Tyson?" Ava chuckles as she high fived me.

"I'm offended" You place your hand on your heart, acting to be hurt before giggling. Azelia pouts but her pout disappeared as she saw something behind us, or rather someone behind us, causing the whole class to suddenly fell in silence.

"Good morning Class" A voice said. You stopped what was you were doing and turned to the front, you know that voice too well. You eyed Jimin as he stood before the teachers table and a big familiar register in his hand. The class greets him back, immediately not trying to be rude, including you as you continue to eye him.

"Mrs Song is busy with some works so today I'll be taking your attendance and then you all can go for your First class." He came straight to the point as felt his eyes met yours when felt someone nudging you side. You turn to look towards Ava. She gave you that look, you know,He's-fucking-here-for-you-go-marry-him look.

You narrowed your eyes at her before smiling at her before turning your attention back to front as Jimin started to called out names before marking them Present or Absent in the register. "Azelia?"

"Present" Azelia answered Jimin before you felt her and Ava giving you a look. You sigh, These two. Jimin Finally called out your name as your eyes met each other's. "Present" You answered, a little shy as he continue to stare at you, causing some other students to start 'ohhing'.

Blood rush through your cheeks when he wink towards your direction before calling out another name when the ohhings started to get more and more before he finally stopped them and they instantly stopped. Biting your lip unconsciously to not smile as you  saw him often sparing you glances.

When he finally finished his job, he dismissed us as he stood there only watching his Juniors to go out of the class. You picked up your bag from the floor before walking towards the door when you hears his voice. "Which class do you have now?" You know he was talking to you so you turned around and answer. "Biology"

"Study well" He said giving you his best eye smile as his cheeks puffed out a little as he do so, almost melting you.  You smile before nodding and took a step forward and pecked his cheek causing him to smile but gasps from other students as they passed while looking at your little moment. "Bye" You waved at him before walking out to your friends as they smiled.

"You two look good together" Azelia says with light giggle.

You just smiled and look down to the floor. "O.M.G. Our girl is blushing" Ava nudged your side as you all walk towards your classes but before part your ways. "You two really good with each other" Ava says causing you smile again as we part our ways to our own Classes.

Half of the day went all well and now it's our break and more after a few more classes then finally we can go home. Azelia plopped herself on the chair with a dramatic sigh as she shove some food in her mouth. "What happened?"Ava asks her as sips her apple juice. "I hate our Maths teacher. He gave us so much homework everyday! Can't he understand that we have other subjects to study too!" Azelia rants with a pout as she made a crying face.

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