"Men" Celeste gagged "Whatever"

"Someone slap him! That would be no good!" Ludo announces and the Mediwizard, covering his ears went over to the referee and kicked his shin.

Celeste saw from her omniculars that he looked extremely embarassed and star5ted shouting for the Veelas to get off of the field.

"That wouldn't be good" Ludo says amused and he was right, the Bulgarian beaters both went down to the field and pointed angrily at the Leprechauns who were jumping and cackling forming the words 'HEE HEE HEE'.

The referee clearly had pointed for them to go back in the air but they were still furious so Mustafa blew his whistle twice.

"Two penalties for Ireland!" Ludo yells, the Bulgarians had an uproar. "Volkov and Vulchanov better get back up- there they are"

The Bulgarian beaters have now swung their bat around like madman, not caaring if they hit a bludger or a person. Dimitriv had shot straight at Moran, almost knocking the Irish chaser off of her broom when she caught the Quaffle.

"FOUL!" The Irish crowd roared at the same time.

"Foul- yes a penalty for Ireland!" Ludo announces. The leprechauns, enraged had risen into the air again and formed into a middle finger.

Celeste snorted out in amusement and started clapping

The Veela's were livid. Instead of dancing, they all started charging at the leprechauns, throwing what seemed like fireballs out of their hands to them and Celeste winced as their faces had changed into a pointy shape- resembling one of a ghost crow. There were ugly big wings sprouting from their shoulders as well.

"That my boy" Arthur pointed at it "Is why we don't judge people only on their looks"

Ministry wixards had started flooding down to the field and tried to control the Veelas who didn't care and went even more berserk.

Ireland got another score but the cheering wasn't heard as the ministry wizard were now trying to deflect the fire coming at thme with wands.

"That isn't fair! Come on!" Ron groaned and Celeste turned to see Krum's nose terribly broken- blood was everywhere. The referee wasn't able to do anything, his broom had caught on fire from the Veela's blast.

"Disgusting" She gagged before she saw Lynch zooming down.

"Look! Look at Lynch!" Harry blubbered

"The snitch! It's there!" Celeste exclaims, her eyes catching a shiny glint at the bottom. Sila quickly went to her by the railings, grabbing her arm tightly.

Charlie looked at her as if she was crazy but his eyes widened.

"She's right!" Charlie gasped, Krum as well had gone speeding for the snitch.

"Bloody idiot!" Charlie winced slightly. 

"He's going to crash!" Hermione shrieked

"They aren't!" Ron yelled

"Lynch is!" Celeste exclaims, pointing at the bottom. Lynch had came in contact with the ground roughly, before being bombarded with an angry hoard of Veela.

"Oh Crap!" Celeste winced 

"The snitch! Where's the Snitch?!" Charlie yelled

"Krum!" Celeste screeched "Krum's got the snitch!"

The scoreboard flashed over to '160 BULGARIA 170 IRELAND'. Nbody seemed to take notice yet as Krum got up and soared high, clutching the snitch in his hand.

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