I Learn About My New Family's Drama

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We got to the motel after what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. I slumped over on a chair in the lobby.

"Are you actually okay? You look gross." Percy said, petting Kalos on the head.

"Rude," I hit his chest lightly, too tired to put more weight into it. "I'll have you know that without me, you wouldn't even be here."

"That's what prophecies are for. Helps us get the people we need." he smiled, and I was about to smack him again when Annabeth came over.

"Okay Bella, Claudia let us stay. Wow, you really don't look good."
I sighed. "Have some respect! I just carried all of you 50 miles in like, two seconds."

"Mm, no. Nico helped too."

We walked up some stairs and down a hallway to the room Nico had managed to get us. It wasn't the nicest place, but it was free, and I'd settle for anything at this point.

I zonked out as soon as my head hit the pillow. It would have been nice to just sleep peacefully, but fate had other plans.

I was dreaming again. I wasn't in the cave, though. I was on a teeny tiny island with grey sand, surrounded by huge crashing waves and stormy skies. I was wearing that annoying dress again, and the howling wind made it fly in all directions. That wasn't the problem though.

Hecate was pinned to the ocean floor, and she was a hundred times bigger than she usually was. Water was splashing out from beneath her, and holding her down was a huge man, covered from head to toe in greek battle armor. I felt so small compared to them.

"Hecate?" I shouted over the cry of the storm. I couldn't tell if she could hear me.

"Bella!" she called out my name with such desperation, a horrible sinking feeling swept over me. The huge monster of a man didn't pay any attention to us. He continued growling just as loud as the thunder.

"What- what's going on?!"

"My father, Bella- please, we don't have much time!"

"Then hurry up!" I said, panic in my voice.
She smiled weakly. "Such a sharp mouth." she winced. "Bella, my father has lost himself. He needs his other half."

"Other half? What do you mean?"

"The Titan Perses," she winced again as the man pulled at her arm. "He is not like this. He's lost his other half, return it to him!"

I wanted to scream. How was I supposed to know what was happening?

"Stop speaking in riddles!"

The dream ended before I could get answers, and I woke up panting.

"Bella? Bella, are you okay?" Annabeth turned on the lamp beside me.

"Oh my god," I tried to catch my breath.

"What? What did you see?" 

I didn't ask how she knew I had a dream. "Hecate- She's being attacked by some titan named Perses! Who is that?"

Annabeth thought for a moment.

"Oh, Perses is Hecate's father! But you said he was attacking her?"

"Yeah," I said up in bed. I was hot and cold at the same time. "We were in the ocean, and he was on top of Hecate like he was trying to, I dunno, force her to do something."

Annabeth furrowed her brows.

"An ocean?"

"Yeah. I was on a little island, and there were waved like 100 feet high and storm clouds that looked like tornadoes and-"

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