My Invitation to a Greek Circus Camp

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I was walking down the hall to my dorm when I heard Daisy's high pitch frantic voice.

"I-I'm sorry. It won't happen again! It's been three weeks, so everything should be fine!"

I pushed the door open to see Daisy using a really old cell phone.

"Um, who are you talking to?" I said suspiciously.

"Uh, my uncle! I'll talk to you soon!" she quickly hung up the phone.

"What was that?" I asked again.

"Nothing! Just chatting with my uncle about my... physical education grade. It's been dropping these past weeks. How was your day?" she hic-upped, a thing she did when she was nervous.

"No, don't change the subject. You don't even do P.E." I narrowed my eyes. "You were talking about Heather. She did her snake thing three weeks ago."

"W-What? Who's Heather? Bella, are you okay?"

All the frustration I'd been building over the last few weeks suddenly spilled out of me.

"I'm completely fine! It's all you Barbie freaks that are pretending Heather was never here!"

Daisy's lip quivered, but I couldn't calm down.

"Don't you get it? Heather hurt so many people, including me, and now everyone's just going to forget about her? Not to mention she was a literal snake!"

She didn't say anything, which frustrated me more. Why was Daisy being like this?

"You know what? Forget it. I'll figure this out myself." I turned around to leave.

"Wait, Bella, I need to tell you something!"

I sighed. I was ready to leave, and honestly, I should have. But I wanted answers. How could everyone in the school just forget about a student?

"Fine, but it better be about Heather."

She nodded. "It is. Bella, we think- wait, no, I think that you're... a half-blood."

"A what? Who's 'we'?"

"A half-blood," Daisy said, pushing her chair over to me. "is a daughter or son of a Greek god and a mortal. Heather was a hydra, Bella. Remember our greek unit in history class?"

History wasn't really Lowell's main priority, so if they didn't care about that class, neither did I.

"Um, no. What are you talking about? Geek gods aren't real!"

"Shh, Bella, don't say that!" Daisy motioned for me to sit on the bed in front of her. "All those creatures and gods are real, Bella. And you're a part of it."

I gave her a look. "How do you know?" I asked a little rudely, mostly because it sounded like more lies.

"I know because..." Daisy looked away. "Well, I'm a first-year satyress, so I'm pretty qualified..."

"A what? What's a satyress? Is this a joke?" She was crazy, I should have left before I heard any of this.

"A satyress is... Well, I think it's better if I just show you."

Daisy pulled up her long skirt to reveal... goat legs...?

I felt like I was going to puke and faint at the same time.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that?"

She turned bright pink. "Those are... those are my legs. See? It's all real! You are a demi-goddess!" she pointed at me confidently.

Bella Cooper and the Half-Bloods (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now