This Gets Awkward Fast

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Chiron looked at me for a minute. I couldn't read his face at all, which was somehow more scary than being yelled at. Daisy bit her nails.

"Come again?" he said stiffly.

"My mother is an Empousa. I'm a she-devil." I said quietly. 

He paused again. I felt like I was talking to my dad. Like he'd snap at any moment. Do Demi-gods kill monsters with fire and pitchforks? God, I hope not.

"And... how do you know?"

"My dad told me," I swallowed hard. "And the goddess Hecate... told me so."

He let out a dry laugh.

"Well, my goodness. How did you get in?"

"I let her in," Daisy said with a shaky voice. "I'm sorry Chiron but I don't want anyone to hurt her!"

"No, no," he said. "No, that's quite alright, Daisy. This is going to be a rather tricky situation though."

"Who's there, Chiron?" Someone said.

The room filled with the sickly smell of wine as a round guy with a weird Hawaiian shirt walked in. I wrinkled my nose at the smell.

"Ah, Mr. D! Please do come in."

Mr. D sat down on the chair beside Chiron and chugged a can of diet coke. Which was weird, because he definitely smelled like wine.

He sighed. "I suppose you are a new camper?"

"Well then, welcome," he said very unwelcomingly. I could tell that this guy was probably the supreme leader or something. Chiron seemed nice enough, but this guy...

"Ever since that blasted Perry Jacobs-"

"Percy Jackson, Mr. D." Chiron smiled. Mr. D scoffed.

"Whatever he is, he brings more and more useless campers. He's nothing but a bother!"

"That's for sure," I didn't mean to mumble under my breath.

Mr. D looked at me for a minute. I braced.

"You know what, I think I might like this one." he finished the last of his coke and tossed the can aside. "What is your name?"

"Bella Cooper, sir," I said, once I was sure he wasn't going to snap at me or something. 

"Yes, yes. Well, see you at the sing-a-long. I'm having a nap."

We sat in silence as he left, then Chiron laughed.

"That's no small feat," he smiled at me. "Getting on the good side of Mr. D is a very hard thing to do,"

"Yeah, I would know," I looked to see Percy and Annabeth standing on the stairs to the porch.

"Hi, Bella," Annabeth smiled. "I know your dog tried to eat me and all, but I still wanted to say bye."

"Actually, Annabeth, we'll need to delay the quest for a few hours," Chiron said, getting up.

"Wait, why?" Percy said, frowning.

"Because Daisy has found our third member."

We sat at a pinochle table. I knew that because my dad used to play all the time when my mom invited company. There were no cards to play, but the room was so tense and weird you probably didn't want any.

"So where are they?" Percy asked. "Where's the third member?"

I sat down, so did Daisy and Chiron, and then Annabeth's eyes grew wide.

Bella Cooper and the Half-Bloods (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now