Turns Out New Orleans is Pretty Far Away

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Annabeth gave us the side-eye as we waited for the bus.

"That was 200 feet?" I whispered. "Is she exaggerating?"

"I don't speak measurement, but it was pretty far," Percy bounced a hacky-sack on his foot.

"Wow," I said quietly. I guess I had to be more careful if I didn't want to be reported to the FBI or something. I wonder if the government actually does have a task force that experiments on kids with superpowers. I shuddered, hoping that was just in the movies. 

We waited in silence, feeling the heat come off Annabeth.

"Hey," Percy said, catching his ball. "Can you actually see into the future?"

"I guess so."

"Okay, what am I about to do?"

"Percy, don't act like a child!" Annabeth sighed. All boys are the same. How Annabeth liked

Percy, I'll never know.

"Come on." Percy ignored Annabeth.

I decided to give it a shot. I mean, I had nothing better to do and felt like I needed to get good at my abilities if we were going to be meeting monsters all the time.

I tried listening to the voices but was interrupted when a hacky-sack hit me in the face.


"Too slow." Percy grinned. I punched him in the side.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes, so I stopped.

"Try again."



"Because I'm not stupid!" I hissed.

He hit me again with the ball.

"You piece of-"

Annabeth glared at me. I huffed and turned the other way as Percy snickered.

"Okay but seriously, try."

"I was the first time, and you hit me." I didn't look at him.

"Yeah, because you have to be faster."

"Why?" I scoffed.

"If you're in a battle, don't you want to know what your enemy will do before it happens?"

I gaped at him. Every time I think I've grasped how dumb he is, he keeps on surprising me.

"Is that the only purpose you think this power has? You realize it's not easy to read the future, right? I am literally telling the future. That's not cool enough for you?"

He shrugged. "If you can do it, might as well use it. Okay, try again."

I sighed. I closed my eyes, trying to hear the voices.

Again, I was hit in the face.

"Ugh, would you cut it out?!"

"You can't close your eyes in a battle, genius."

I clenched my teeth. "Fine."

I kept my eyes open and waited. It was a lot harder to concentrate when there was so much to look at. I tried just looking at the tracks. Tune out everything else...

Left, something whispered.

Without thinking twice, I moved to the left.


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