42 of 53 - A Lover's Quarrel

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Cassie sat at one of the picnic tables on Anclote Key along with Rafe, Ofelia, and Mister Webb. She buried her face in her hands in embarrassment over her naked body being shown on national news, even though Webb made it clear she was barely visible, and she had been unrecognizable.

"Nobody knows it's you," he repeated. "Nobody except for the hunters from Tipstaff Security. This is the break they've been waiting for. They're smart enough to realize the video is genuine and not some sort of hoax."

"How long do you think they'll stick around looking for her?" Ofelia asked.

"Long term. They won't give up easily."

"Won't they assume the media coverage will scare Cassie away?"

Webb looked at her. "It's not so simple, is it, Cassandra? Explain it to them."

She cleared her throat. "The sea wants me here. This was my mother's domain and I inherited it from her. If I left, it would take a toll on me. I think going against my nature and being away would eventually kill me."

"So, the hunters know she's not going to run far," Webb said.

Rafe, who had been quietly sitting, banged the palm of his hand against the tabletop. "I can't believe I'm hearing this." His red face displayed his anger.

Cassie reached out to take his hand, but he pulled away.

He stared at her and raised his voice. "I thought we were a couple, that we no longer kept secrets from each other. Say it isn't true. Tell me you didn't get up in the middle of the night and sneak away from me on some fool's errand. Did you really do that? Then, did you return to my arms before I woke up as if nothing happened?"

She felt her face flush. "Don't tell Ofelia and Mister Webb what we do as a couple. It's embarrassing."

"You're embarrassed?" He pointed at his chest. "What about my feelings, Cassandra, huh? What if something would've happened to you, and I would've never found out about it? You might have disappeared, died and sank to the bottom of the Gulf. Can't you imagine the guilt I would carry?"

She tried keeping her voice calm to blunt his anger, but she felt all twisted up inside. "You would have nothing to feel guilty about. I did what I did because it's who I am. This is what I've been born to do. You knew that, Rafe. You knew..." before getting involved with me.

He stood and rocked on his feet. He wouldn't look at her. "I'm sorry, Cassie. Relationships are supposed to be a two-way street. If this is the way you're going to be...I just can't." He turned and ran away up the beach.

She jumped to her feet. "Rafe, wait!"

She tried to follow but Ofelia grabbed her arm stopping her. "Let him go. Give him time to cool off."

Cassie felt miserable. She sat on the picnic bench and started to hiccup.

Mister Webb looked out into the Gulf as if deep in other thoughts. She sensed he was uncomfortable with their arguing.

Ofelia stroked Cassie's back to soothe her. "Rafe really cares for you, and men are hardwired with a need to protect the women they care for. He's upset because you didn't trust him enough to protect you."

Cassie thought Ofelia was being unfair. "I completely trust Rafe to keep me safe on land. Out there," she pointed at the Gulf, "There's nothing he can do for me."

"I'm not judging your decision. I'm just explaining how my son thinks. You made things worse by not telling him about it after the fact. He feels disrespected."

She considered what Ofelia said. "I meant no disrespect. I didn't tell Rafe, because I knew he would object and maybe try to stop me."

"I get that. Relationships can be difficult. Sometimes it's like walking through a minefield, but Cassie, if a relationship isn't based on honesty, it will eventually fail. My son is far from perfect, but I know him well enough to say he wouldn't lie to you, not even if it's a lie of omission like yours was. Don't you think he deserves the same consideration from you?"

Cassie had no comeback to Ofelia's words and was shamed into silence.

"I know teens don't like being preached to," Ofelia went on, "but we older folks have a lot more life experience. I went through a divorce with Rafe's father. Your Uncle Milos and Aunt Marnie  also went through a divorce. We learned from our blunders, and I'm counseling you, because I don't want you and Rafe to repeat our mistakes."

Ofelia looked at Webb. "Do you have anything to add?"

"No, your advice is spot on, and it makes me realize I have some work to do on my own marriage." He took a breath. "Changing the subject, what are we going to do to keep Cassandra safe since relocating her away from Anclote Key is not an option?"

"We should involve Milos in this discussion," Ofelia said. "He has the better mind for this sort of thing."

Cassie felt her eyes well with tears. "I hope I haven't blown it for good with Rafe."

"Don't cry. Go find my son and talk things through with him," Ofelia said. "He couldn't have gone far."

Cassie stood and considered how fortunate she was to have these two adults in her life. "Thanks. Both of you. I'm sorry for being such a pain." She ran up the beach in the direction Rafe had gone.

As Cassie approached the lighthouse, she had a thought. If the lock was still broken, would he go inside? Would he walk to the top? That would be a good place to think and get away from the few scattered tourists who remained on the island watching the sunset. She looked up to check if he might be standing at the railing.

He wasn't there, but he might have walked around to the side facing the mainland.

She cupped her hands around her mouth and called out, "Rafe, where are you?"

While walking around the base of the lighthouse, a couple holding hands and laughing at a private joke approached from the opposite direction. The young black lady wore awesome dreadlocks. Those two were obviously into each other.

"Love your hair," Cassie complimented as they closed the distance.

The couple let go of each other's hands and split apart to pass by on either side of her. The lady smiled. "Thank you. Your braids are really cute." She stopped in front of her as if wanting to chat.

It happened fast.

The man who had circled behind closed a hand around Cassie's mouth and lifted her off her feet.

Stunned and unable to scream, Cassie tried kicking.

"Calm yourself," the lady said.

Before she could even think about transforming, Cassie felt a needle prick her thigh. Whatever the lady injected into her felt hot. She could feel the numbing effect of the drug circulate up her leg, into her torso, and warm her face. She relaxed despite her panic. Moments later, she was high as a kite and wanted only to sleep.

Question - You had to know sooner or later the hunters would capture Cassie

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Question - You had to know sooner or later the hunters would capture Cassie. Will she survive the horrors she's about to face at the hands of Doctor Armando?

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