28 of 53 - A Frustrating Night

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Webb knew he would be in trouble if he didn't call his wife. More trouble than he was already in. He pulled up Bonnie's number and made the call. While the call went through, he considered his situation. He had driven back to Tarpon Springs and parked in the marina lot, hiding his car among many others but facing the street. Since it was directly across from where he had seen Cassandra and her date exit the door beside the pastry shop earlier, he decided to play a hunch.

Was the hunch valid? Did the girl live here? If she went on the run, would she stop and pick up her things first?

He guessed she would.

"Bruce, where are you?" Her voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"I'm on a stakeout in Tarpon Springs. I won't be home tonight."

"Who is she, the woman you're sleeping with? Does she know you're married?"

Being away consistently two or three nights a week, he understood how his wife would come to that conclusion. "I'm sleeping with no woman other than you."

"Cut the bullshit. I know you've been lying to me for a long time. I called your boss this afternoon. He told me all of your assignments have been cleared."

Webb figured she would eventually get around to doing that. He had his excuse prepared. "The case I'm currently working is off the books." It was no lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth either.

"Oh, yeah, off the books," she parroted.

"Bonnie, I'm in the process of wrapping things up." He hoped whatever was going to happen with Cassandra, it would soon result in endgame. "When this is done, I promise things will be different."

"Listen to me, Bruce, whoever she is, end it. End it now or I'll end things with you." She disconnected.

Webb sighed and laid back against his headrest. He would either have to discontinue his vigil over Cassandra or it would destroy his marriage.

When he and Nico fought for Nico's phone back at the restaurant, Webb knew he would never prevail against the younger, stronger man. Instead of trying to grab the phone, he had stomped on and smashed it.

Nico had been enraged and told him it would stop nothing. At best, it would be only a five-minute delay while he went back inside to use the restaurant house phone. Five minutes was all Webb needed. As soon as the man left him, he punctured all four of Nico's tires and raced back to Tarpon Springs.

If he were lucky, it would take the Tipstaff Security crew a few hours to assemble, come up with a plan, and deploy. One part of the plan would obviously involve flooding Tarpon Springs with operatives. He had to find Cassandra before they did. Things would be tricky though. He knew the girl well after observing her for five years, but she didn't know him and was probably terrified of him. Somehow, he would need to quickly gain her trust and spirit her away. To where, he had no idea.

Webb was at a disadvantage with the guy who was her date. Cassandra called him Rafe. The young man had been quick to protect her. His jaw was swollen and ached where Rafe had punched him. Would she still be with him?

He could only hope his stakeout would work and she'd appear within the next few hours. Webb was also aware she could've already come and gone. She and Rafe had been a few minutes ahead of him.

He would stay parked all night until morning. If Cassandra didn't show by then, he'd assume he lost her. She would be on her own, God help her.

Webb was used to long, boring stakeouts, but with a throbbing jaw and growing feeling of hopelessness, the wait became interminable. At four in the morning, he was ready to give up but ended up dozing. When he woke at seven, he cursed himself. It would be just his bad luck if Cassandra would've snuck into her apartment while he slept and then left.

He would never know if that happened.

Damn it. His bladder was throbbing, and he needed coffee.

A Sunday crowd was already pulling into the lot ready to take their boats out. It wasn't the nicest of days, cooler than usual and overcast. He hadn't paid attention to the weather, but it looked like it might rain.

Webb yawned and got out of the car. He headed for the harbormaster's office. He had seen someone leave and figured the building must be open. He entered.

The man sitting behind the counter could've come straight from a Herman Melville novel, an older gent with graying hair, suntanned, lined, leathery face, impressive beard, and smoking an ivory-bowled pipe. His forearm bore the tattoo of a spouting whale. He removed the pipe from between his lips. "Can I help yea?"

"Bathroom then coffee in that order."

The old man puffed his pipe. He pointed to a far corner. "Toilet's there. Coffee you'll have to get at yonder pastry shop."

"Thank you." He wasted no time heading for the bathroom and unzipped. He sighed. The relief he felt was almost better than sex.

After washing his hands, he splashed water on his face. Time to go home and fix things with Bonnie and Brandon.

He opened the door to leave the bathroom and froze. Standing at the counter with her back turned was a girl with long hair braids. She wore a sweatshirt over top a bathing suit and flip flops.

"I need to rent a waverunner. How much will that be?"

He recognized her voice. Cassandra. Webb couldn't believe his incredible luck.

The old harbormaster puffed his pipe. "How long will ye need it fer, Missy, and where ye goin'?"

"All day. I'm going to Anclote Key."

"Cheaper to take the tour boat. It'll depart at ten and return at five."

"I can't wait until ten."

Smart thinking, Webb mused. The Tipstaff crew wouldn't look for her there. At least, not right away.

The harbormaster got up from his chair and pulled a blank contract from beneath the counter. "I'll need to see yer license."

"I don't have one, but I have a credit card."

He pulled the contract back. "No license, no rental. Not even for a rowboat."

She started tapping the bottom of the counter with her toe. "How can I do this without a license? I don't have one."

Webb stepped forward and laid his ID on the counter. "She doesn't have one, but I do."

Question - How will Cassie react to seeing Webb?

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Question - How will Cassie react to seeing Webb?

Top photo credit: Neil Moralee http://www.flickr.com/photos/62586117@N05/46507993535 via photopin.com Creativecommons.org license

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