40 of 53 - A Revealing Video

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Bruce Webb arrived home after a long day sitting in his car outside an attorney's office. He had been assigned by his agency to stake out the man and follow him, because his wife suspected him of seeing another woman. It was a bust. The lawyer came to work and didn't entertain any lone female clients. He didn't go anywhere, not even to lunch, and drove straight home to his wife at the end of the day.

Webb threw his keys on the kitchen counter and found Bonnie heating some leftovers on the stove. "A few more days on this assignment will drive me stir crazy."

She eyed him. "At least you come home every night."

Bonnie remained suspicious about his disappearances during his time watching over Casandra.  Now that his every move was being monitored by his old crew, he hadn't contacted her in any way for a month. Bonnie's sore spot resulted from him refusing to say what it had all been about. If he told her the truth, she'd think he was crazy. She also didn't like how Tipstaff Security kept watch over them all day, every day. It gave her the creeps. She had called the cops on them, but as Webb suspected, the police told her they could do nothing as long as the men appeared to be minding their own business and not making any overt threats.

Webb took perverse pleasure in it. His old colleagues were wasting their time and had to be getting even more bored than he was. An unusual occurrence happened today, though. The person assigned to be his watcher abruptly drove away a little after noon and hadn't returned.

It made him wonder. He walked to the living room window and looked out. No Tipstaff Security goons were in sight.

"Bonnie, when did our babysitters leave?"

"Sometime after lunch and good riddance. You know I'd sleep easier knowing why they are stalking us."

Why would Doctor Armando call off his contractors now? He had a sinking feeling. "They must have found her."


"Nothing, Bonnie, I need to step outside a minute to make a phone call."

"Dinner will be ready in five minutes. When you're done with your call, tell Brandon to turn off the television."

Webb hadn't paid attention to what she said and walked out the front door. He sat on the front step and punched in Cassandra's cell phone number. He didn't think Tipstaff had the ability to monitor his cellular calls, but out of an abundance of caution, he had avoided calling or texting.

His call went to voice mail. "Cassandra, it's Webb. I need to know you're safe. Please call me back or text me."

Not good enough. Was there anyone else he could contact? He had a hunch and phoned the harbormaster's office at Tarpon Springs marina. "Ah, yes, I'm trying to reach anyone on the Argyros sponge diving crews. Is there any chance any of them might still be hanging around?"

Webb was relieved when the man at the other end didn't question his unusual request. "Ordinarily, the two crews depart early in the morning and are back by lunch. This morning, the Coast Guard shut down the harbor due to the accident investigation out in the Gulf and the strange sighting." He paused to chuckle. "Those spongers got a late start and didn't leave until noon. I expect them back any time now."

It explained why Cassandra didn't take his call. She had been out of range in the Gulf. He wondered about the accident and strange sighting. What had that been all about? "Thank you, I'll try calling them later." He ended the call.

When he returned to the kitchen, Bonnie was setting the table. "I told you to get Brandon."

"Yeah, I will. Do you know anything about a boating accident in the Gulf near Tarpon Springs?"

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