41 of 53 - An Attempted Abduction

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Danno Holt, Nico Nicolaides, and Claudia Mayhew sat in team leader Danno's vehicle parked three blocks from Bruce Webb's house.

Danno was stoked ever since he heard the news reports over his radio about the sea creature and could barely contain himself. "Five freaking years and we finally have a solid lead."

"Do you really think Webb will lead us to the girl?" Claudia asked.

"He won't be able to resist. The way we broke surveillance and took off will have him spooked. He'll suspect we'll be making a beeline for Tarpon Springs. He'll want to go there to warn her." It was the right move. Doctor Armando already dispatched a fleet of Verdanx Pharma staff to look for the girl. They wouldn't move on her, but if they sighted her they would let Danno know.

Claudia grunted. "The girl probably already knows about the news reports."

"And what's to say Webb doesn't simply call her to warn her?" Nico asked.

His teammates weren't using their heads. "We all worked with Webb. He's the one who taught us our tradecraft. You know him and how he thinks. He's invested in that girl and will want to take a hands-on approach. He won't leave things to chance."

"Yeah, we know how he thinks," Nico said, irritation in his tone. "He's damn cagey. I was more than happy to sneak into his garage overnight and lojack his car. Now, we'll be able to track him."

Claudia sniffed. "I wish Razzy were here to see this through. He'd love to be in on the kill."

Danno tutted. "Don't get carried away. We're taking the girl alive."

"It was just a figure of speech, boss."

"Unless you're talking about Webb," Nico groused. "I'm gonna kill him."

Claudia laughed. "Are you still sore about how he bested you at the restaurant?"

"What irks me most is how the son-of-a-bitch blew my cover. I was getting in tight with Milos Argyros."

"Speaking of Razzy," Danno said, "the big Seminole is on his way by speedboat in case they take to the water. He'll meet us at the marina. He should be there by now." His phone chirped. Danno checked his display screen. "Webb is on the move. Told you so."

With the tracker buried deep in Webb's engine compartment where he would be hard pressed to find it, they were easily able to follow a half-mile behind unseen.

Claudia seemed pleased with herself. "What do you think of my hunch now about the girl hiding out on Anclote Key? It was near there where she was spotted last night."

Danno shook his head. "That island is uninhabitable. There's nothing there unless she set up a permanent camp site. I'm not buying it. The girl must be holed up in Tarpon Springs."

After entering the city limits, Danno had to back off because Webb had slowed down. "He's driving the side streets to avoid detection."

A few minutes later Webb's vehicle remained stationary.

Danno checked the display. "He's in an alley a couple blocks from the marina."

Claudia clapped her hands. "Haha, I knew it. He's renting a boat and going to Anclote Key."

It seemed too obvious to Danno. Webb would want them to think that. He parked within sight of Webb's vehicle but didn't see him. "I'll stay here in case he doubles back. Claudia, Nico, split up. Track down that SOB."

They left him.

A few Verdanx Pharma vehicles ran up and down the street. Danno realized they should've provided the drivers a description of Webb along with their general description of the girl. All those eyes would've proven useful.

Danno drummed his fingers against the steering wheel in anticipation. His phone buzzed. It was Nico. Danno took the call.

"Got him. Webb is strolling down Roosevelt Boulevard toward the water."

"The old fox will have a boat waiting for him there," Danno said. "Don't let him see you. Claudia and I will intersect with Razzy's speedboat and pick you up. Call me when Webb heads out."

Sometime later they trailed the boat where Webb was a passenger staying a quarter mile behind and on a parallel course. With the heavy marine traffic between the mainland and the Key, Danno was confident Webb wouldn't make them if they remained discreet. He studied the craft through a pair of binoculars. "He's with a woman."

Nico held out a hand. "Let me see."

The Greek took the binocs and focused on the boat. "That's Ofelia, Milos Argyros's wife. I think that seals it, boss. They're going for the girl for sure."

Danno felt his adrenaline rise.

Ofelia took her craft around the point and docked near the lighthouse. Danno told Razzy to berth their speedboat among the others at the tourist dock. "They won't be able to hide from us now."

Using the lighthouse as cover, they spied Webb, Ofelia, a young man Nico said was Ofelia's son, and their target sitting at a picnic table. His team was hopped up and ready to go. Their five-year chase would finally end resulting in a huge payday from Doctor Armando.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," Nico stepped forward.

Danno pulled him back. "Think it through. There aren't many tourists around, but if we go charging in guns blazing, it will cause a huge scene and draw attention. Let's do this quietly without witnesses."

"How?" Nico objected.

"We wait for our chance. Claudia and I will wait here and monitor our target's movements. Nico, you and Razzy split up and position yourselves in flanking positions in case it goes wrong and the girl bolts. Remember to stay out of sight. Webb knows us all."

A lot of time passed, and it was getting dark. Danno worried the girl would stick with the others. He really didn't want to go charging in, but it might be their only alternative.

Just as he was about to execute plan B, the young man, Rafe, ran from the group looking upset. Danno smiled. "Good for us. One less witness."

After another few minutes, Danno nearly whooped with joy. What an incredible stroke of luck! The girl had left the group and was walking straight toward him and Claudia.

The girl cupped her hands around her mouth and called, "Rafe, where are you?"

Danno was breathless. "I can't believe it."

Claudia seemed to be in better control of herself. "Let me handle her, Danno. She'll regard me as less of a threat. You get ready to snatch her. We have to do this quick in case she's scared enough to transform." She took his hand and led him on an intercept course. "Play like we're two lovers strolling toward the beach to watch the sunset."

He smiled. "Lovers, eh?"

"Don't get carried away. We're just playacting."

In another moment, they closed in on her.

Question - Things are looking bad for Cassie

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Question - Things are looking bad for Cassie. What happened to cause her to walk away from the group? Read on to find out.

Top photo credit: Coast Guard News http://www.flickr.com/photos/23412076@N06/25695390763 via photopin.com Creativecommons.org license

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