23 of 53 - An Awkward Encounter

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Cassie had a fitful night and gave up trying to sleep around five in the morning. Her lungs still burned after being filled with saltwater the day before and she suffered a wicked sore throat. Uncle Milos had backed her up about not going to the hospital. Rafe didn't understand and had argued with his stepfather but eventually accepted the decision.

She got up and shuffled into the bathroom.

Rafe cared about her, that much was plain, but did he care for her in a romantic way or was he just the sort of person who cared about everybody? Cassie figured it had to be the latter. He would be just as concerned if someone from either crew had gotten into trouble. This time it had been her. Again.

But what if he did have romantic inclinations? Cassie didn't know how she felt about that. She had zero experience with guys except for her disastrous date with Connell.

Rafe had rescued her twice now, saved her from the horror of rape the first time and saved her from fire sponges the second time. He was tall, strong, and easy to look at. He seemed overbearing at times but could be reasoned with. She respected his decisiveness because decisiveness was obviously something she lacked given how she couldn't make up her mind about how she felt about him.

She waited for the shower water to get hot. There would be no sponge diving today because a tropical storm was bearing down and expected to make landfall close to dinner time. The water ahead of the storm had become too choppy and dangerous.

While under the shower, Cassie reconsidered. Had Rafe really saved her from drowning or had he caused her to gulp water by startling her? She was having trouble remembering exactly what occurred during the minutes before waking up on the deck of his boat.

Cassie washed her hair, careful to make sure her braids wouldn't come undone. She rushed through the rest of her shower anxious to find out if her aunt answered a text message she had sent.

She got out of the shower, toweled off, and dried her hair just enough so it wasn't dripping all over the place. She slipped into some grungy knock-around clothes, picked up her phone, and checked Marnie's response.

Cassie to Marnie: I need to see you. Something happened and I need to talk. Also, did you know my boss was Uncle's new wife? I feel lousy about it. Thinking about quitting. I miss you so much.

Marnie to Cassie: Don't quit. I'll come see you mid-morning because I don't want to get caught driving in the coming storm. I miss you too.

Cassie sighed. It had been only a few days and she was already homesick. Seeing her aunt would lift her spirits. Her aunt was the only person in the world she could talk to.

"You're so pathetic, Cassie," she muttered.

Too worn down from lack of sleep, she decided to try the pastry shop downstairs instead of making herself breakfast. She slid her toes into a pair of dirty, sand encrusted flip-flops and padded down the steps.

The aroma of fresh pasties, hot from the oven, overwhelmed her as she stepped into the shop. She also smelled coffee. A half-dozen tables with red checkered, plastic tablecloths lay scattered about the dining area and four stools were arranged in front of the counter. The place was busy. The counter was full as were most of the tables.

A waitress pouring coffee for one of the customers saw her. "Grab a table, miss. I'll be right with you."

Cassie slid onto one of the chairs and rested her forehead in her hand.

"Rough night?" the waitress asked. She set a cup of coffee in front of her.

"Couldn't sleep," Cassie responded. "This is my first time here. What do you recommend?"

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