47 of 53 - A Savvy Operative

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When Robin popped the trunk to free Webb, he couldn't see anything. Rafe, Corky, and Mick huddled around him. All of them were getting soaked.

"I parked at the darkest corner of the lot," Robin explained. "There are cameras, but I don't think any of them can see us here. Besides, they aren't monitored. They just passively record in case something happens and footage needs to be reviewed."

The college girl was proving to be very valuable. "What went on back there at the gate station?"

"Morg decided he wanted to chat me up. The guy never showed any interest in me before. I started getting really nervous when he wouldn't shut up. I was afraid he'd notice Rafe wasn't who he was supposed to be."

Corky chuckled. "He asked her out. After the first thirty seconds I knew the bloke would steer the convo that way."

"The son-of-a-bitch beat me to the punch, because I was going to ask her out," Mick said. "What do you say, Robin? Want to go out to breakfast afterwards."

"Enough," Rafe said. It came out as a bark. "We need to get in there. Every second we waste puts Cassandra in greater danger."

"Hold on," Webb cut in. "I need to make sure things are settled. Robin, where did you leave it with this Morg character? Is he upset?"

"I hedged at first, because I don't want to go out with him. Not my type. Then I started thinking that I shouldn't do anything that might put him off. I didn't agree to go out but told him I'd text him my number. It'll never happen, but he let us through after that."

She turned to Mick. "Sure, I'll let you buy me breakfast."

"I knew I should've asked her first," Corky grumbled.

"One more thing," Webb said. "Why did you stop on the road prior to the gate?"

Robin huffed. "Some guy flagged us down. Scared the crap out of me when he jumped into my path. He saw the decal on the side of the vehicle and waved for us to go."

Tipstaff was here, Webb figured. Danno had stationed someone ahead of the gate to intercept intruders and call with a warning. It's what Webb trained his team to do. If he were still the leader, he would read the riot act to the person who had let them through. The man shouldn't have assumed they were friendly, but Webb was happy he did. The rain probably dampened the sentry's enthusiasm.

"Okay, listen up," Webb said. "We're going to sneak through the main entrance and surprise the desk guard."

"No, you won't," Robin interrupted. She pulled a key card from her jeans pocket. "The front is locked, but I can get us in."

"Your part in this is done, remember? You agreed. If you give me the card, I'll use it."

"That won't work either. Preston, that's the desk guard's name. His desk is a good thirty feet inside the door. He'll look up when he hears the door unlatch. You'll never get to him in time before he presses the alarm bell. Let me go in first. I'll distract him and get him to come out from behind the desk. You can enter behind me and do what you have to do."

"Do you think Preston will ask you out too?" Mick asked.

Webb wished the two sponge divers would take things more seriously.

Robin ignored his question. "Do you know how to get to the lab? That's the most likely place they'll be holding your Cassandra. It's on the basement level with direct access to the docks. The elevator is noisy. They'll hear you coming. I can guide you to the staircases."

Webb rubbed his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose. He realized now how the college girl had been a Godsend. He doubted they would've been able to pull things off so smoothly, if at all, without her. She was probably a better operative than Corky and Mick, maybe even better than Rafe. The girl had proven cool under pressure and able to think on her feet. "Robin, I don't like putting you in harm's way. So many things can go wrong."

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