31 of 53 - A Suspicious Group

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Bruce Webb returned to Tarpon Springs at dusk hoping to turn in the waverunner unnoticed. He piloted the craft into the marina at just above idle speed to keep the engine noise low. Being a Sunday night, most boaters had to work the next day, so there were few people around. He saw no sign of Tipstaff Security forces.

He tied the watercraft to its assigned slip and considered his next move. He had nothing to drink for nearly twenty-four hours and was dizzy and parched. A vending machine sat outside the harbormaster's office. Webb bought a half-liter bottle of water and chugged it. He bought another and drank it slower. The water refreshed him, and he started to feel better.

On his mental list of things to purchase, Webb thought of blankets, some sort of waterproof bag to store them in, gallon bottles of water, power bars for energy, and canned tuna for protein. Also, flashlights and batteries.

He didn't know how long Cassandra needed to go through her change. Days? Weeks? He wanted to carry enough supplies to Anclote for an extended stay.

Next item of business, he pulled his phone and called Bonnie. She didn't answer. His call went to voice mail. He wouldn't tell her he'd be in an area of no cell coverage. If Tipstaff visited his wife and questioned her, they would figure out he was on the water since virtually no part of Florida was without cell service.

Deciding to play it cool, he left a message. "Bonnie, I'm on a silent stakeout and can't have my phone on. I'm well and hope to have things wrapped up soon." He paused. "I love you and need you to trust me. I'll explain when I get home. Tell Brandon I said hello." He ended the call and took a deep, cleansing breath.

When he entered the office, a woman sat behind the counter instead of the salty old harbormaster. It would've been too long a day for one person, so the woman probably worked closing.

He laid the keys on the counter. "I'm returning a waverunner rental. I'll need to re-rent it again first thing in the morning."

The woman checked his paperwork. Casually, she walked from behind the counter to the door and locked it. Standing in front of the door, she yelled, "It's him."

Four men appeared from a back room. Two of them he recognized, Milos Argyros and Rafe, the young man who had been Cassandra's date. The other two, Webb figured were muscle.

Milos pulled a handgun from his waistband and pressed it against Webb's forehead. "I will only ask you one time. Where is my niece?"

He should've anticipated this move and mentally kicked himself for overlooking the obvious. Tipstaff may not have visited the marina yet, but Milos and his crew would've interrogated the old harbormaster.

"She is safe." He looked Milos directly in the eye, a difficult thing to do with a gun pressed to his forehead. "Before I tell you more, I assume you understand Cassandra is...different. Maybe the other people in this room aren't aware of her true nature and shouldn't hear what I need to say."

"I trust all my men."

"The same as you trusted Nico?"

Webb saw the hard expression on Milos's face soften. A few seconds ticked by.

Milos glanced at his men. "Wait for me in the backroom."

The two muscle men obeyed right away.

He glanced at the woman. "You too Ofelia, and you too Rafe."

"Bullshit," Rafe protested. "I'm going to hear what he has to say. If this asshole is lying and he hurt her in any way, I'll tear him to pieces."

Ofelia crossed her arms in front of her. "I'm staying too."

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