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That would be sweet even though we'd have to hide it and I'm all ready for it. But if you feel too rushed then we can talk about this more over the phone if you're comfortable. She replied to the man.

The girl grabbed some clothes to go out with, changing quickly and ended their game as several others had places to go early in the morning since it was near 9 am already.

(Y/n) grabbed her jacket but heard something hitting her window like small tapping noises.

The girl turned around and noticed the sky grey clouds huddled together with rain hitting her windows. She sighed and grabbed her transparent dome umbrella and grabbed her mask and a small backpack since she wasn't one to use purses when going out. Especially when her part of her city get robbed easily.

(Y/n) walked down the wet pavement from her dorms to the outside of the school, watching the cars go by her.

The girl enjoyed the days of rain. The streets were crowded with cars going slowly, carefully not to hit any pedestrians or lose control of the car. The streets were less crowded since no one left their homes during this rainy season.

(Y/n) yawned behind her mask, having to stay up all night doing assignments and okay with her friends and her 250,000 fans watching her and her friends play random things together besides Among Us.

Corpse locked the doors to his apartment as he finally had the courage to get out of his house — a quick stop for boba tea.

The tall man groaned, touching his face that had a mask over it with an eyepatch he wore, afraid to show any skin besides the one visible eye he has. He sighed, turning around and rubbed the bridge of her nose, forgetting the forecast of rainy weather and headed back inside.

A young lady passed by with a transparent umbrella and a backpack like purse in her hands which she looked down at to make sure the rain was hitting the small backpack. 'I keep forgetting to wear on." (Y/n) said and slipped it on before crossing the street.

Corpse extended his umbrella out before leaving his home again and out the gate, heading out to his 'errand' he craved for. He paced down the street before instead of crossing the street like he always did but wanted to take a different route to the store.

Both were unaware of each other who were across the street from each other, not bothering to look across for a familiar voice or face but the sensation of someone familiar near by lingered the two.

(Y/n) enjoyed the crosswalk she had as it was alone but had several glass shop displays that showed grunge or goth like items for sell such as the notoriously famous platform Mary Janes or even the cute black sweater and cloth patched she could decorate her backpack or sweaters. But as a broke college student, anything trendy came with a cost and she couldn't exactly pay for that since she had alto go Christmas shopping soon and had to visit her family for the break which she was hoping not to but she didn't want to be the 'lame ass' who stayed there since they were probably the rejects of their households.

Corpse usually went to the other side of the street since he could find more rings or even new black masks since the one he had now needed mending and he couldn't exactly see correctly and tied the ear straps together to hold on a bit longer until he got home or made a quick stop across the street to buy a new one.
The only thing he wanted to do different today was use a different cross walk since there were flowers neighbors had a display since there were so many apartments, lists of old people live there to accompany each other and there's now a small garden for people to walk by and look at.

He walked in to the store and sighed, now reaching there was a line of people to the cashier and pick up. He began to rehearse his lines and words on what to order even though it was just the usually but he couldn't afford to mess it up.

Or even the thought of people recognizing him through his voice made him rehearse his lines and change his voice a bit.

(Y/n) walked in the small store noticed all the frozen snacks she policies out were all gone. "Damn. Am I gonna have to actually cook now?" She groaned, walking to the small snacks they had so far with the budget she gave herself to spend on food per week since she still had to save it up from her bank and hoping to find a job somewhere.

Corpse lifted the bottom of his mask as he drank a bit from his boba before opening up his umbrella and enjoyed the small walk and scenery.

(Y/n) opened up her umbrella with the two bags in one hand and another on her elbow with a few bits in her backpack. 'Stupid bags. I spent 30¢ on these fuckers. But their carting my coffee so maybe I won't be mad about spending 30¢.' The girl walked back to her dorm which was a far walk since she lived so far away. 'Please don't tell me I forgot something.' Her thoughts ran as she was forgetful.

The 6th sense that someone close by like Lily or her sister or even an old friend was near by overcame her. Her eyes slowly verted to the left and saw no one on the other side since so many cars were passing by and were now slowly down due to the red light. (Y/n) shrugged it off and stopped at the end at the crosswalk.

Corpse's eyes widened as the small knot he made on one of his ear straps were slowly falling apart, almost revealing his face. "Damn it." He whispered and made his way to the end of the cross walk,

(Y/n) could see a man wearing an eyepatch drinking his boba at the other side with several other people. 'Damn it. I hate it when I'm in public but the public is here.' She sighed, noticing the walking sign turned green.

Corpse put his hands in his pocket, making sure he felt his wallet and let's in the same one. After editing and reading most of his comments and stories he has been aware of pickpocketing or thieves that get close by enough to steal. Since then he has kept an eye out on people so close to him.

(Y/n) kept her head slightly down, avoiding eye contact by the other people as she wasn't very comfortable staring at strangers passing by.

She kept her distant since she and several others had umbrellas and didn't want to bump into anyone.

Just to her luck, her transparent dome umbrella was accidentally bumped into a wide open black one. "I'm sorry." She said quickly before walking away quickly from the man with the boba drink.

He nodded and walked away, not saying a word as he understood. Corpse felt the feeling of someone near by pass away as he reached the other end and went to buy a new mask.

(Y/n) yawned, placing her umbrella on the rack where a small bucket was set underneath to arch the falling drops of water. "And now, to sleep." She grinned, laying on her desk, sighing of relief after carrying the bags to her dorm with an umbrella in the other.

Corpse got back to his apartment door where he shook his umbrella to release any water on it before entering.

He had checked his pockets and slightly gasped, realizing he didn't bring his phone.

He went over to his bedroom and found it in his bed. "I'm a fucking dumbass." He muttered before checking the messages on his phone.

(Y/n)'s text caught the man's eye before he began to call the girl.

Swindler Teammate (Corpse Husband x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin