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Corpse returned to his game and sighed, wiping the water from his lips. He looked over his phone, a small hint of joy hitting his chest.

He flipped his phone back down once he read (y/n)'s name pop up on his phone. "Oh god oh god oh god." He took a deep breath and opened his phone.

(Y/n) pulled in a hoodie and took a deep breath as she malicious cackled. "I'm so fucked." She cursed to herself, hoping Corpse's phone was lost just like hers earlier in the day but she knew full well it wasn't.
"Great. Just great, dumbass." She says in her chair with her knees tucked into her chest, playing in the game as a ghost.

Corpse grinned but then realization his his head as he reread the texts.

I like you more than a friend too and I'd like to get to know you more but I want to respect your privacy too.

'Wait so we both like each other. So are we dating?' Corpse clasped his handover his mouth. 'I gotta ask Seán.' He went over to text the man with the high pitched infamous Irish accent.

"Does. That. Mean. We're. Dating?" She said as she texted her vague explanation to Lily who was quick to respond.

I mean you suggested it to them so it's up to them now even if they confessed first.

(Y/n) slapped her forehead. "Holy shit I forgot. He only opened up. I suggested a relationship. Holy fuck now this is super awkward!" She groaned, pulling on the hoodie and pulling on the strings

Corpse stared at the text over and over again as he waited for Dream or Seán to respond or even Sykkuno who he texted for help as well and Sykkuno answered.

I have no advice in what to tell you when it comes to relationships and well if you both want to know each other then I guess go for it.
But just don't throw yourself either. Open up to her.
Make sure she's not playing you either.
You have to make sure she really likes you and not for a trend.
Don't forget about your feelings too.

Corpse nodded and sighed, going back to (y/n)'s texts and began to type.

(Y/n) listened to everyone's conversation in the game when Corpse sent her a text.

She covered her mouth, wanting to kick her phone off her desk but knew she had to face what she had said. "Please don't cry. Don't cry." She softly chanted to herself.

She reached for her phone and instantly opened the chat to Corpse.

'Fuck. Now I gotta answer. I was hoping to open to my home screen and just ready the notification and give me time to respond but now I gotta answer.'
(Y/n)'s eyes widened to his response.

I'd like to the idea of us together. I want time together to see how we work. I take relationships seriously and I need to trust you more.

(Y/n) squinted at the text. 'So yes or no? I'm getting mixed signals.'

She gasped dramatically as the man began to text.

I'm sorry but I've been rereading the text and I noticed it sounds stupid. What I meant was yeah I want to be with you if that's okay by you.

(Y/n) screamed as the man had just sent her the text which meant he must have been waiting for her.

"Holy shit she's reading my text already. Oh shit now I doubt texted her and left on read again. Oh no no no." Corpse nervously laughed at his own demise.

I want to see how this works too.

(Y/n) inhaled sharply through her nostrils. "Holy shit I did it." She wheezed it softly, almost silently of excitement.

Corpse couldn't contain his grin back any longer and hugged his phone.

Even if I might not reveal my face for a while?

The man's insecurities began to arise already.

I respect your privacy. Your personality attracted me, not your looks.

Even if I'm only available at night? Or even for once a week?

We're both available at night. We both have work. We're starting out how this works, Corpse.  These are baby steps. Don't force yourself.

Corpse nervously grinned at the girl he still considered his friend even through their odd agreement. He should give this a try.

They would remain quiet of their odd relationship to the others until they were certain and serious to each other.

(Y/n) silently gave tiny screams to not alert her neighbors. "Oh my god!" She squealed but knew she shouldn't have too much hope since both had something in common — moving on from a heartbreak that struck them heavily.

To (y/n) it was a source of freedom since that person was once her friend and his friends were then her friends and both were going serious in their first 6 months until he began to show his true colors and intentions with the naive girl. For 2 year until she entered college, she left the man who insulted her several times behind her back. His friends left her, verbally harassed her. Isolated and despised and  no friends, she resorted to be kept to herself.

She never felt so much freedom than now. 19 with her friends and hopefully, she could heal Corpse along with herself.

She was already putting her full heart on this man. This was leading to a bad start like her past relationship and it was a toxic habit.

Corpse couldn't decide whether to distance himself
from the girl to avoid any heartaches like the past relationship but knew she would have to impact the heartbreak and that would make him the bad guy. He would start as a friend before revealing more of himself to the girl.

He knew the girl wanted best friend him and cheered him and several others. Her friends were also his friends and she seemed so open and confident to them but apparently seemed anxious near new people which gave him a clearer understanding that she could open to them and probably couldn't open to others either just like him.

(Y/n) and Corpse would put up their trust up to the test in their friendship before anything would be considered official.

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