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"I'm (y/n)'s bodyguard, guys. I have a very important tasks to do. I have been out into a position on my own — voluntarily, obviously. I have been given a very important role. I am taking this very seriously." Corpse sighed, following the white colored astronaut around the Polus map into the hall by rocket and laboratory.

He grinned, feeling as if he would protect her even in a game.

Then he recalled the small white astronaut by her side too. "Oh yeah I forgot she had a kid now." He softly chuckled, watching the small child following the two. "I kinda want it to have a flower too." He muttered into the mic letting the other 360,000 viewers hearing him.

Then a body was reported. "Corpse protected me the whole time. We were at lab with Toast." (Y/n) said. "Yeah I was third wheeling." The cyan astronaut said in a playful grin.

After the meeting, Corpse went straight out to do his tasks at gas. (Y/n) stood in the hall, looking for Corpse. "Did this dude just leave me and my kid? Deadass?" (Y/n) scoffed, walking to laboratory when the lights began to go down. "God fucking damn it." She sighed, her kid by her side.

Corpse gasped as he was heading near the lava pit. "I forgot my job." He went to vials. "Wait I forgot my job. No. . ." The curved horned astronaut muttered as he headed inside and checked to see their status and noticed the girl was still alive but red was dead. "Oh fuck I killed my gir- euh - where is she?" He stopped himself from admitting anything online. He ran across the hall to admin and check the maps. "(Y/n), where are you?" He said as he turned around to a lime green astronaut appearing from the vent.

"Oh fuck. No. No!" He gasped. "No I- I- my job!" Corpse laughed as he was shot on the back of his head by the astronaut.

As he appeared as a ghost and noticed the chat box with Sykkuno. "Same. DumbDog killed me." He texted. Rae was texting hysterical nonsense.
"Wait is she still alive?" He asked himself before Rae's body was reported.

"What the hell?! Corpse and (y/n) are dead!" DumbDog gasped. Corpse began to text the girl in the chat but she texted first.

"I got killed in med scan! No people are gonna scan with my kid!" The girl pretended to whine. "Holy shit I forgot about the kid." He sighed.

He sighed as DumbDog got saved and the game started again. "Well. . . so much for getting a long game wise." He sighed, floating around the astronaut who stood at the scan by the smaller astronaut. "Maybe I can give her a small kiss and head to my task, maybe she'll accept it." The horned ghost touched their helmets together and then floated to the launchpad. "Hope that worked."

"So he leaves me and gets me killed and comes back for a kiss when my kid sees? Great. Thanks Corpse." She sighed, floating to her own task before following Corpse. "Ima keep my eyes on him. Since we're friends. Ya know." She mumbled, circled the ghost. "I need a nap." She grumbled.

(Y/n) and Corpse floated around the lava, when the girl texted in the chat box. You're fired. Corpse scoffed, knowing she died out of his watch. I'll get back on him if I'm imposter.

You're still fired.

"I know nothing of this map but fuck it." (Y/n) stayed in the launch pad doing her keys with Corpse following behind her. "Ya know, what I love about Corpse — about me following Corpse or Corpse following me is that whenever Corpse gets to be in a pair with someone and sometimes maybe rarely forgets about his pair but when he's alone he can't be vouched but also, if it's the both of us together, people will think we're defending for each other and that's what makes us the last to live evacuar we have each other's backs." (Y/n) rambled on. "I love this man. Lemme give him a kiss." (Y/n) chuckled and was silent as Corpse bumped heads with her first.

"I love him even more. Um, anyways-" (y/n) continued with her download at admin above a vent. Due to the panel, she couldn't see Corpse sabotage security and vent underneath her and to security where he killed the blue astronaut Edison and ret toned back to electrical to (y/n) still on her download.

"Done. I guess I'm done with our tasks since we have the same ones together. We're gonna hang out somewhere." She suggested as she yawned into her mic. "I seriously need sleep." She sighed.

Expecting Corpse and her to play about 1 hour or 2 as they usually did, it became a surprise at how long Corpse played for — 6 hours with the other 8 people that would leave and others would join in replacement

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Expecting Corpse and her to play about 1 hour or 2 as they usually did, it became a surprise at how long Corpse played for — 6 hours with the other 8 people that would leave and others would join in replacement. But the two stuck together first rounds of the games and then went separate ways from their date.

Each time either they were voted out or killed, the two would text in the chat box to take turns on tasks to watch over each other.

What anime are you currently watching? The girl asked as they sat by the snowmens near the water well. Death Parade Corpse responded with. Little by little the two bonded either by text, call or the video games they played with the others.

"This game is about survival of the fittest — which clearly makes sense why I don't make it past round two." (Y/n) frowned into her mic as they were back in the lobby again. "Don't speak of yourself that way." Lily chuckled at (y/n)'s dark humor she isn't too familiar with but very few did. "This game is dependent on detective skills with little to no evidence and I am here for that." (Y/n) spun around and hummed.

"(Y/n)?" Sykkuno asked. "It's okay. I'm distressing." She spun into weapons and did her download above the vent. "I love these guys." She sighed. She could see Corpse following Toast behind him as he turned down the hall to o2. "Hey Toast. She said as he was on asteroids. "How would Corpse react if I kissed Toast?" She hummed and spun around Toast.

Just then, Corpse appeared and stood in front of Toast, covering him so it would seem as if she was spinning with Toast. "God, he's so cute." She went down to shields and as Corpse went to Cafe.

As she left the two, Corpse went back inside and killed Toast before venting to shields, watching (y/n) through the vents as she did her tasks.

Swindler Teammate (Corpse Husband x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin