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"Oh this is cool. It's the same old cabin we had to visit Kenneth and that weird baby that killed us." (Y/n) reminded herself as she went over to the garage. "We can go alone since we explored everywhere now." She added, leaving the other three at the door way. Corpse watched her leave as he went across the room from her, the kitchen, holding in his hand that seemed to be a flashlight and video camera. Dan has a flashlight and crucifix with Tiffany who had the flashlight and spirit box, heading upstairs.
(Y/n) has the flashlight and thermometer and book which she was now setting in the garage, realizing the temperature got warmer. "So I guess he left?" She mumbled, turning around to see Corpse across the hall. "What the fuck! You scared me!" She gasped. "You scared me! I thought it was Steven Martinez and wanted to catch it on camera." Corpse expressed his disappointment.

"Do you think we should check on them?" She asked, soon pressed a button to talk to the other two upstairs via walkie talkie. "Hey are you guys okay?" She asked to hear static at the other end. "Yeah but a shampoo bottle just flew at Dan." Tiffany said. "Maybe it maybelline." Corpse whispered, causing the other girl to chuckle. "We'll be up there. Which room?" She asked, walking out the door with Corpse behind her.

The two passed by the living room and Coorse stopped to a portrait of a man with a monocle on his eye. "Da Vinky?" He said. "Corpse, let's go." She scoffed.

(Y/n) walked to the entrance of the house where the steps were at. Although this was a video game, her heart was beating of being with Corpse and not out of paranoia and anxiety for any spirits lurking in the shadows upstairs.

Corpse gulped, remaining silent by the girl, feeling is throat close up when when even speaking to her. The (h/c) haired girl he had never met before had someone struck a difference in his routine in life and even a difference in his commonly known depression and anxiety he has. They were usually spotted down by the girl who seemed to understand his issues and could call him to play a few games together or even sleep over the phone.

(Y/n) was once a stranger — a friend from a friend —  nether could imagine this day could ever occur.

Neither regret a moment between each other. I bonded them closer. Although Corpse and (y/n) couldn't build the courage to reveal their face to the other out of self esteem and privacy or even the fear of being judged like Corpse's fanbase — stating they would kill themselves if he ever revealed to be hideous.

And how would another one of his fan and the one person he's had an interest for quite sometime, more like 3 and a half months, would react to his face. Would she be disappointed in him?

Those were the exact thoughts that clouded Corpse's mind from opening up to the female any further. Both had common interests and yet both had their insecurities.

(Y/n) out of disappointed in her own appearance and Corpse for his doubts through their friendship.

"If I'm the first to die, it probably means God misses me." (Y/n) joked around. "He sure as hell missed Jesus." He muttered, turning around the staircase railing. The four of them greet each other again to no evidence. "Maybe he's at the attic?" Dan said, heading up the narrow flights of stairs that creaked underneath their footsteps as Corpse follows Tiffany. (Y/n) was about to walk up the stairs but noticed no one turned on the lights to anywhere. "Shouldn't we play it safer and turn on all the lights?" She questioned. "Yeah you're right." Tiffany walked towards her to the bottom of the stairs to the first floor and the four of them began to flicker n the lights.

"Ight, let's go." Dan went up the stairs first and so did Tiffany. (Y/n) insisted Corpse go first but his only reason for her was, "The ones in the middle are usually less likely to die. I don't want you dying first again." He said and so she went up the stairs first.

"I hate there's no lights up here. And I didn't have enough money for the stupid flashlight." Aiming her small dimly lit flashlight around.

There was a massive thud from down below. "Damn it! What if the ghost was in the kitchen the whole time?!" (Y/n) went to the kitchen, rushing past Corpse who was stunned by her maneuver through the game.

By the time all four reach the kitchen, (y/n) set down the book at the table and scanned the room with her thermometer. "Get the cross ready Dan." Tiffany stuttered, getting the spirit box out. "Oh shoot wait, the camera!" Tiffany remembered.

Corpse was about to place the camera on the table when the lights flickered out. "He's there!" Tiffany screamed. (Y/n) turned around and her eyes widened to a ghost wielding a hatchet above his head, bald and green, his clothes tattered and soiled.

Corpse took a picture of the ghoul as (y/n) screamed, running behind Corpse to not get attacked first like the other times.

Dam chased the apparition that went through the wall and to the next room. "Oh it left." (Y/n) sighed of relief. "What a little freak." Corpse muttered, keeping (y/n) company.

"Thanks Corpse." She whispered. "It was nothing." He stammered his words around, going to the next room where Dan went, holding the crucifix at hand. "Holy shit the spirit box just went up! We got evidence!" Tiffany said over the walkie talkie.

"Okay one more price of evidence and we're clear." (Y/n) sighed, not leaving Corpse.

As they walked to the entrance of the house, Corpse asked, "Are you actually scared of a video game?" He chuckled. "If I have to admit, I'm a wuss a horror but I still love it." She groaned, admitting it.

As Dan and Corpse went upstairs to the bathroom to at least drain the sink and hope dirty water appears, leaving the two girls alone, the lights flickered. "Oh shit." (Y/n) whispered, turning off her flashlight as footsteps grew louder. "Let's go up-?" (Y/n) seemed confused as why Tiffany hid underneath the staircase. "Tiffany?" (Y/n) asked until the figure of the machete wielding poltergeist appeared.

Corpse hummed as the lights flickered and noticed Tiffany run off somewhere as (y/n) was going to the staircase he was on.

(Y/n) glanced up at Corpse as he couldn't understand why she just stood there. Until he saw the poltergeist from before appear at the base of the steps.

'We barely solve the case and I'm gonna be the first to die anyways.' She sighed, her screen faded dark and the sound of skin similar to leather being stretched ran around her ears and all over the room.


Time and time again, (y/n) was in danger and the moment he left her in this game she died wanting to be like a hero.

"Oh. (Y/n)'s dead." Tiffany said over the walkie talkie to Dan.

That just goes to show how much of a bright spirit of sunshine she had inside of her.

Come to think of it. . .

"Alright, we got our evidence, let's go." Dan said, walking past Corpse and around her body.

She is the sun and I am her rose, always blooming by her in a way.

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