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"I gained $50 out of my friends dying." Corpse laughed as they all respawn into the white van. "I just had to die as a ghost first, now didn't I?" (Y/n) chuckled. "Corpse was the last to live and it would make since. Probably he's the king of the demons." Tiffany joked about. "Perhaps. I mean, I bought a flashlight out of my friends dying on me."
Corpse responded. "Alright, let's stick as a group of two. Because after (y/n) died we all just split apart." Daniel noted down. "I better not be dying first. I hit a phase onto loving the paranormal and I guess they want to bring me with them." (Y/n) sighed, following Corpse and the others out the vans.

By the time all four reached inside, Corpse sighed, standing by the stairs as (y/n) turned on all the lights to help Corpse. "I forgot my flashlight that I spent $30 on." He said causing the (h/c) haired girl to chuckle.

"Should we go upstairs?" Tiffany asked. "Who has it?" Daniel asked. "The what?" (Y/n) asked. "I think we forgot it." Corpse have a response besides the other two answering with questions. As they all headed to the kitchen, Corpse gasped as he stared at his hand. "Wait, wait I have the EMF." Corpse laughed at his own stupidity. "But you forgot your flashlight." (Y/n) reminded him, standing in front of him with the flashlight before turning on the light to the dinning hall. "Kenneth! That's the ghost's name!" Tiffany remembered as Corpse went over to the dinning table. "Kenneth likes pickles." Corpse remarked to the large jar of pickles on the table.

They all walled to a room although Tiffany was no where to be found. "Damn. Dead end." (Y/n) said, turning around from the dead end room with several books scattered around. (Y/n) stayed quiet, hearing croaking in the room as if emitting from someone's throat. She hummed in confusion as the lights al of a sudden turned off. Her flashlight shined on a person behind her and gasped, now realizing the odd croaking noises.

She yelled and ran out the room as Daniel and Corpse did last. "Wait take a picture!" Daniel said. "Wait do I have it? What else do I have?" Corpse chuckled, revealing the shampoo bottle he took from the upstairs bathroom. "Tiffany?" (Y/n) asked in the walkie talkie. "Where are you guys? A teddy bear fell from the ceiling." She said. "We're at the garage and we saw Kenneth here. Can you set up a camera here?" She asked.

She sighed of relief once Tiffany was setting up the camera and they were all at the garage. She aimed the flashlight at the corner the three spotted Kenneth and yelled as the same figure appeared wit the odd croaking noise it made.

He was dirty, hair falling out and clothes tattered. "Throw it something!" (Y/n) yelled. "I threw the cross!" Daniel yelled. "Oh my god." Corpse chuckled at ever encounter they had with paranormal or something creepy. "Okay maybe we should get to the van and check the cams." (Y/n) said, heading to the living room which was at the end of the hall and turned left to the front door.

(Y/n) gulped, hearing footsteps that weren't the squeaks of her teammates following her. They seemed to be upstairs or coming down the steps. She reached the door and whimpered, the door being locked as the lights behind her turned off. "Guys, the doors locked." She shakingly responded as they all covered her. "I'm ready to throw this cross." Daniel said. "Oh fuck." Corpse sighed. "I can't die again!" (Y/n) yelled.

She gasped, noticing the same figure from before at the garage. "He's here!" Tiffany screamed. "Oh fuck." Corpse lowly said so calmly, walking away joking the shampoo bottle at hand. "Oh shit! Oh no! My lights not working! Holy shit am I dead?!" She yelled. She looked down as her flashlight began to work and screamed as Dan was on the ground. "Wait! Move! Give me his shit!" Corpse said, throwing his shampoo to the floor and grabbing Daniel's flashlight. "Get the cross!" (Y/n) looked around his body as the lights turned back on. "Nuh uh. Not again. I can't die again. Ima find this man." She said.

"No I got the door to open!" Tiffany said, immediately heading to the van and so did Corpse and (y/n). "I can't die again. Well I ca but, I'm glad I wasn't first." (Y/n) muttered. "Well I'd still kiss you even if you turned into a ghost." Corpse said as they were mid way between the house and the van. "Why kiss?" She asked.

"We've kisses lots of times." Corpse said, walking ahead of her.

The girl raised an eyebrow in confusion but recalled all the headbutts.

Her entire face and neck turned red as she entered the van. "Well apparently the cameras are off and we have to go and turn them back on before coming back here." Tiffany said, turning back inside. "Oh god not again." (Y/n) sighed.

(Y/n) went over the garage as Corpse was roaming the kitchen. "Wait I should check the dirty water upstairs." Tiffany went upstairs as the lights began to flicker behind (y/n).

The girl turned around and realized they were all separated. "Corpse?" She calles out and went to the hall way, avoiding to look inside the bathroom and heading to the living room. "Corpse?!" She calles out again, realizing that was the area where the lights were flickering. "I'm ducking dead. I'm dead." He related to himself as he went over to the corner just as the lights turned off. "I'm here dude! I'm here!" She reassured him, approaching him for company.

"Where's Tiffany?" She asked as Corpse was facing the wall while muttering out, "If I don't see him, he doesn't see me." Over and over again. (Y/n) but her lip and faced the wall beside him, hearing te once heavy footsteps of Kenneth behind him now fading away. She sighed, noticing they were gone. "Where are you guys?" Tiffany asked over the walkie talkie. "Downstairs by the entrance. We heard Kenneth behind us." (Y/n) admitted the scenario.

"Yeah we'll be right up there." (Y/n) responded, having the urge to go out the door but went upstairs to Tiffany. Despite the fear of seeing Kenneth again, she still went on to stay by her friends.

"I can't believe that actually worked." Corpse whispered, barely realizing (y/n) was beside him. He grinned, knowing the girl was beside him even in fear, possibly out of feeling safe near him.

This caused the 23 year old man to grow small roses in his cheeks.

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