Aren't you and Ms. Pauling officially a thing, now?

'Yeah. But I'm asking how a kid like that scores a girl?'

'That child is not fit for a women, let alone active duty. This only means one thing... THAT GIRL IS A MAN!'

Soldier, how is it possible that you're a successful mercenary when your this incompetent?

'Heavy get's bad feeling from tiny girl.'

'Yeah... something about that girl just ain't right. I bet my grandpappy's Dispenser blueprints that she's up to something.'

Like what? Making him prom king just to dump a bucket of blood on him? She's a Highschool student.

'Perhaps we should watch over the garçon to make sure he is safe.'

Once again, I must ask why you care? I highly doubt that this kid is on Mann.Co's payroll.

'It's not zat. Every time we interact vith somevone here, I had a feeling in ze pit of my stomach. Ze same feeling I get whenever we fight Merasmus.'

'Heavy also has bad stomach feeling.'

What, you're saying that half the students here are Merasmus minions?

'Not exactly, lad. More like we feel a presence similar to his.'

'And that Sheila is given off some strong signals.'

Fine. I'll stalk the two, if it'll shut you guys the fuck up.

Another Timeskip

I've been following these two all day. They went shopping together, they grabbed a snack together. Issei even bought the girl a gift.

They were just walking around the block now. Not doing anything suspicious.

You happy now, you psychotic bastards?

'We were just being cautious.'

Yeah, where was this caution when we were fighting the robots? I'm fairly certain I've heard Soldier say 'Fuck caution. I toss that shit out the window every morning.'. Seriously, of all the times to be cautious, you guys choose now to do it? When there's nothing to be cautious about?

"Hey, I want to ask you an important question... in honor of our first date." Says the girl.

"Uh... sure. You can ask me anything." Issei replies.

"Would you... die for me?" She asks.


I take back what I said.

"Uh... beg your pardon?" Issei replies.

"I want you to die for me." The girl says again.

She is then engulfed by a tornado of purple energy. When she emerges, she looks... much different.

 much different

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'Well... dat certainly isn't what I was expecting.'

I don't think any of us were expecting that.

'Are zose wings? Hehehe... I think I have found a new specimen.'

We've known each other for 6 years, yet you still find new ways to creep me the hell out.

The girl then summons... what I think is a purple lightning bolt. She then hurls it into Issei's chest.

Ah, shit.

She appears to be distracted with Issei, so I take the chance to take out a scattergun and aim it at her. I guess she heard me or something, because she turned around and saw me. I took the shot immediately, but she dodges as if she was expecting it. I fired again, and again, she dodged it. I fired a third time, and she dodged again.

Fuck this.

I put away the gun and swap to a kukri.


I swing at her, and she dodges. I swing at her again, and she dodges again, and I end up embedding the machete into a bike rack. She's about to hit me, but I elbow her in the face. I swing the blade at her again, but she summons another one of those purple lightning bolts. She knocks the machete out of my hands. I manage to take out a butterfly knife. I swing at her four times, however, the only hit I manage to land is a few strands of hair.

She backhands me, which sends me flying back to Issei's bleeding corpse.

"Well, this is unexpected. I must say, you're a rather decent fighter." She says.

I don't let her continue. I take out a pistol and fire at her. She dodges every shot, then flies away at a speed that I sure as hell am not going to keep up with.

I hear something beside me. I see that Issei is still somehow breathing. I take out a small medkit, then administer it to him. I didn't heal his wound, but it did stop the bleeding.

'Uh, Nate... you should probably get out of here. You did what you could, man. Let's just hope dat he can pull through.'

I don't like the thought of leaving him here, but... your right, Scout.

I get up and start running.

Rias POV

I watch that Nate boy run off. I kneel over Issei and begin to do my thing. While I do, I can't help but think about what I just saw.

That Nate boy... he just fought off a fallen angel. Not only that, but it seemed like he was used to something like that.

I could definitely use him in the peerage.

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