"He wants to paint his portrait."

"Oh, so he's handsome?"

"According to Hyungseo hyung, he's pretty."

"Pretty? You said it's a 'he'."

"Yep, but he's pretty." Hwall stared at Sunwoo's straight face, trying to detect any hidden sarcasm. But found nothing.

"I wanna meet him."

"So does Hyungseo hyung." Sunwoo then left to brush his horse. Hwall was left eating his apple until Haknyeon came by.

"Yah, Hwall! Where were you yesterday? Hyunjae hyung and I were looking for you." He said as he sat down besides Hwall.

"Sorry, I just had stuff to do."

"What stuff."

"Chores." Haknyeon deemed the response satisfiable and took away the apple Hwall was eating. He finished it in two bites.

"Let's go. I need to deliver those crates to the Lee residence." Haknyeon said, getting up and ignoring Hwall's look of despair.

"That was my apple....."

"Come on!"

"Why did you come with us again?" Chanhee massaged his neck as Youngjae pranced around him and Joonyoung.

"Cause I wanna help you during your portrait." He said, innocently.

"Sohn Youngjae, I swear if you try to do anything else. I will not hesitate to kill you in your sleep." Chanhee pointed a finger at him. Joonyoung put it down and stood between them with his back to Youngjae.

"Now, now, Chanhee, Youngjae's just a kid. And I'm with you, so there's nothing to worry about. I'll take care of him." While Joonyoung was talking, Youngjae was sticking out his tongue at Chanhee from behind. Chanhee glared at him until someone caught his attention.

It was the same man from yesterday who showed him the violet flower. Now that he observed a bit more, the man looked like a sacred bone with his attire and demeanor. The three walked by the man and Chanhee was trying not to stare and bumped into Joonyoung walking in front of him.

"Oof! Hyung.....why did you stop?" Chanhee rubbed his forehead which hit Joonyoung's back. The lack of response made him look at Joonyoung. He could see a serious expression on his hyung.

"Joonyoung hyung?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. Let's go." Joonyoung walked fast and Youngjae and Chanhee looked at him.

"You sensed it too?" Youngjae asked.

"That Joonyoung hyung was weird? Yep."

Joonyoung walked fast but then slowed down after a while. He was not mistaken. He had seen that man before. But just where?

"Give it up, hyung. He's not comin- "

"Chanhee-ssi! Hello!" Hyungseo got up in a flash and ran towards Chanhee who was just entering the yard. Sunwoo shut his mouth immediately.


"Hello. Hey, Youngjae and hello.....?" Hyungseo smiled brightly at Joonyoung.

"Joonyoung, nice to meet you." He introduced himself. Hyungseo nodded and turned to Chanhee.

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