
93 7 0

November 20th,2020
Avery's (and Kelly's) House, Elmont,Long Island,NYC (3pm)

"I think Kyree wants some titty, girl." Pearl says as she walks in the kitchen holding Kyree close to her scrubs, she hands him to me with gloved hands. I hold him in one hand and eat a turkey sandwich with the other. She watches and laughs, "your appetite still up there huh?"

"Girl, this breastfeeding thing be making me hungry as shit." I say as I lift up my tank top, I latch Kyree onto my breast and he feeds.

"Does that still hurt?" she watches curiously.

"Not really. I got used to it , you know?" I look past her and think back to my first days of being a mom, that was almost a month ago.

"So Thanksgiving is going to be here? I'm so excited!" she claps eagerly and I smile, "Yes, I'm excited too but nervous. Girl they trusting me with the macaroni this year."

"Your mac be slamming, dont trip." she waved her hand dismissively as she walks over to Azuri's bassinet near the fridge. I know it sounds weird but I just roll her around in that thing like an elderly patient until she's hungry.

"She sleeps like a bear, just like you." she says while looking down into the bassinet.

"Mmcht, you know what" I laugh and wave my hand at her. I look down at Kyree, his eyes fixated on my face. He's beautiful, and God, they did look like me. Except the ears, those are Reese's ears for sure. Wow...Reese. Is it bad that I think about him from time to time?

"Hey!" Avery walks in the house holding several bags and Pearl points aggressively at the bassinet, to which he closes the door quietly. He tiptoes into the kitchen then comes over to me , takes off his mask, kisses my forehead then Kyree's. He hugs Pearl and kneels down to the bassinet smiling like a kid in a candy store, then gets up.

"I gotta go pick up a few more things baby. I'll be back." he whispers then scampers off to the door to the garage.

"Chileee, if he would've woke this damn baby." Pearl puts her hand on her hip as she rests against the fridge , looking after Avery like a discerned mother.

"You got an old ass soul." I say as I observe her.

"My name ain't Pearl for no reason, baby." She smiles at me before carefully pushing Azuri's bassinet into the livingroom.

I love Pearl, she's amazing. I sat there holding Ky as a tear flew down my cheek. I couldn't ask for anyone else to be here right now. Except Tee, but she's coming here after work.

"How's Gianni?" I ask as I walk into the livingroom, then I carefully sit next to Pearl on the couch. She adjusts Azuri's blanket then looks at me.

Oh, Gianni is Pearl's 4 month old adopted son. Her long-time friend Michelle died from COVID and Pearl stepped up since his father died last year.

"He's with his uncle right now, you know Patrick loves babies." she holds her phone up to show me a video of her brother Patrick holding Gianni in a bathroom mirror. "His girlfriend is pregnant, so I figured that nigga could definitely use the practice." she says smiling at the phone.

"Really? Wow. Papa Pat?" I laugh slightly as I look on. I remember when Pearl and I used to play together at her house and she would always tell her Mom that Patrick was bothering us. He was her bothersome little brother and now he's about to be somebody daddy. But I didn't doubt him, he had a great support system.

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