The Cries Of A Man In Grief: Part One.

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Thank you all for reading my book, it's the first I've been consistent with. I honestly just update when my mind gets bored with the reality I'm in, writing this book has expanded my mind and gave me 100% control in life, even if it isn't mine lol. Vote for my chapters and once again thank you ❤️. While you're here, why don't you go back to the end of "Phase II" 🤗🤗🤗????

February 26,2020 (7pm)
Kellandra's Penthouse

I walked in to the quiet and stillness of my apartment, the chill from the central air dancing across my feet. The lights from nearby buildings streaked across the floors, I stood there for a minute to look at the night life out of the large ceiling to floor window to my right.

I kicked my heels off by the door and threw my keys onto the island.

I started to undress , leaving a trail of clothes behind me as I treaded to my sofa and threw myself onto it.
My phone vibrated in my hand and I brought it up to my face solemnly as it lit up with a message.

 My phone vibrated in my hand and I brought it up to my face solemnly as it lit up with a message

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I quickly sat up and unlocked my phone. But once I got to the conversation, I didn't know what to say.

After a few minutes I began to type.

I just wanted to get this over with

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I just wanted to get this over with.

I couldn't imagine how he felt at this moment... not sure if I wanted to. I mean what do I say??

*2 hours later*

"Hey." I opened the door to Avery in a long black trench coat with a cashmere sweater and Versace loafers.

He immediately hugged me, but it wasn't a normal
hug. He held me. I gave in and sunk into his embrace.

"I don't know what to feel." He spoke softly.

"Okay," I pulled away from him and took his coat off, then threw it over the nearest chair, I turned to see him already walking to the sofa.

He sat down, or just let himself fall and sunk into the cushion. I hurried to his side, and rested my hand over his.

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