The Devil Wears A Versace Suit To Cover His Tight, Hot...

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December 29th 2019


I looked up from my laptop when my name was called . It was my boss, Avery Harris.

He stood in the doorframe to my office , staring at me with deep brown, almond eyes. A Versace suit covered a tight, hot body . Avery was fine . Tall, dark, very handsome.  Always had a fresh hair cut. Nicely trimmed beard. Ears pierced . Successful too. I mean he is the CEO of a multibillion dollar company. Drove a Benz . Wore expensive shit . Dressed to a motherfucking tee. All the office hoes wanted him. Falling over themselves just to be in his presence. He knew , but did he care ? I doubt it. But as I said , he knew . He knew he was fine and that he was a good catch. He had this aura to him. Men like him... they love the attention. He always did things that he knew would drive the girls mad . He caught my attention, yes. But never will I be like these hoes drooling on their stacks of paperwork every time he walked into the room.

"Yes, Mr.Harris ?"

"Yeah, hey, how's the report going? Our client is coming in a little earlier than expected , Tuesday to be exact. No pressure, because I know my darling secretary always gets the job done." He says walking slowly towards me , a smile slowly forming on his face . The sunlight shone on his beautiful, clear brown skin, and highlighted his eyes just enough to where they looked hazel.

"Of course." I giggled nervously and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

He stood there for a second. And then burst out laughing.

"Yo! Imagine! Me and you , boss and employee on some freak shit like in the movies!" He leaned over holding his stomach while cackling like a fool.

I laughed too. Cause yeah, imagine.

He knew what he was doing . But nah , he wasn't catching me. I mean , yeah the man looks hella good. But there's more to this than you're getting. Keep reading, girl.

"But yeah, I got you with that report. Give me an hour?"

"Great." He gave me one last smile before he walked out, still laughing as he went on to tantalize the rest of the females in the office.

Avery and I have a past .

I've been his secretary and friend for years. We actually grew up with each other . We both attended Hunter College. I admired him. Not just his looks but his drive. Don't get me wrong, in ways he was just like any other man. Immature and played too damn much. A dick at times. He was in a frat and well , you know how it goes. But Mrs.Pappri , our former English professor paired us up on a project and during that time I got to know him like no one else did. Eventually we became friends. He always came to me when he needed advice, help getting with some chick, money here and there, or just a friend overall. I been there for him through everything and he was there for me too. His family loved me and my family loved him. Except his mother was on drugs and his dad had skipped out. For a short point in time , he lived with my family . We had no problem taking in Avery like he was our own. So things were strictly platonic between us up until college. We dated for a short time but he cheated on me with Julia Yang, a Liberal Arts freshman. I smashed the windows out his car. He did me wrong and I hated him for it. But I forgave him and we became friends again . Eventually, he got so caught up in his career, that we just drifted in our own directions . I was a Psych major, he chose Fashion . After college I went on to work as a Psychologist at Greene Mental Health Institute.

One day on my way to Greene, I got a DM from him and he basically apologized for the disconnect he caused between us and that he wanted to meet up to make up for lost time.

So I did . I was mad about how much time he let go by before we spoke again, but life's too short .

We started hanging out way more, whenever he had time . It was like we never stopped.

He filled me in on his life as "Regular Old Avery" and as a businessman as well.

His business life was so fascinating, traveling all over the world for exclusive fashion events . Being friends with a fashion industry CEO had its perks too . He gifted me with clothes and shoes and backstage passes to events .

Then one day he fired his secretary .

June 3rd 2015

"Yeah that bitch had to go. You ever seen a 60 year old women's titties? Not a pretty sight. Like come on, you could be my mother's mother !" He sucked his teeth and shook his head disappointingly.

I laughed. Avery always had a crazy story to tell.

"I know a girl looking for a job, maybe I could hit her up." I took a sip of my drink and put it down, looking at him awaiting confirmation .

"What she look like? I'm trying to bring a less .. well .. wrinkly image to the comp-" I snorted at what he said and he laughed too.

"She's short. Thick lil' brownskin. Good taste in fashion, not too bold, not too simple , which I know you like. And personality wise she-"

"She sounding like you." He stops me and looks at me like he caught me red handed in describing myself. I wasn't, but now that you think about it she does sound like me. Is he offering me a job???

"It's sounding like you offering me the position."

"Girl you know it's yours. I don't know why you sitting up here playing dumb."

And ever since then, I've been working here at Jordaché.

In Love With A BillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora