New Life

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October 24th,2020 (1pm)
Avery's House, Elmont, Long Island, NYC

"Ugh." Avery sighs loudly as he falls onto the bed, he rolls over and looks at me. "Finally."

"Aww pooh." I rub his head and then his shoulders. He strains and then relaxes. "You could really use a break." I say.

"Nah, nah. I'm good. Tired, but it's nothing I can't handle. Although-" he sits up and looks back at me. "Putting together two cribs isn't as easy as it looks... like at all." he laughs to himself.

I sit by his side and wrap my arms around him. "I appreciate you." I kiss his cheek and he turns and kisses me. We lean back and he lays at the weirdest angle, while kissing on my neck. Probably because I'm 36 weeks pregnant and my belly is huge and it's hard to maneuver around it-

"Ooh-" I clutch my belly and recline fully onto the bed, he rubs it and looks at me, concerned. "That's gotta be Kyree." I smile to myself , wincing slightly.

"That's my boy." Avery stares at my belly as one of the babies kick, the skin near my belly button protruding slightly. "In there giving his sister hell."

"Sounds familiar." I smile and he stands up.

"Ha, yeah okay. I didn't know foot massages and breakfast in bed was hell." he leans down and kisses me again before heading for the door.

I jump up and follow him, he goes into the living room and I go into the guest ro- I mean nursery.

My feet sink into soft fleece carpet and I take in the soft, cotton linen scented air.

Giant wooden letters scatter the floor, I walk over and pick up "K", then look down at the rest. I see the hooks to fix them to the wall have already been installed so I start putting them on their designated walls to keep busy.

"K-Y-R-E-E." I step back and look at the blue wall, feeling accomplished. I turn to the other letters but as I line them up, I see one is missing. As I head to the living room I hear the door open and Avery speaking.

"Babe there's a lette-"

"Hey!" Draya smiles and holds her arm out as she approaches me.

"Oh wow I didn't even know you were stopping by." I say as I hug her, I look at Avery who mouths "I don't know." He holds the last letter I was looking for.

"Hope I'm not interrupting." she says as she lets go and looks between Avery and I.

"No, just putting the nursery together." I put my hands in my pockets nervously .

"Ooh- can I see?" she asks.

"Sure." I say as Avery hands me the last letter. They follow as I head back to the nursery. I kneel down to the other letters and start hanging them on the wall, Draya walks in, shoeless as I had hoped and stares in awe.

"Wow, this is gorgeous." she looks around and fixes her gaze on the blue wall.

"Kyree." she says to herself. "I see what you did there. What about the girl?" she looks at the pink wall, I walk over to it with the letters and begin putting them up.

"A... Z... U... R... I" Draya reads out loud. "Beautiful." she smiles sincerely and I smile back. I feel Avery staring at us and try to ignore it.

"Thank you." Avery doesn't smile, but inspects Draya. I look over and give him a warning look. He doesn't react.

There's a silence.

"So. Who's hungry? I made these bomb ass pizza bag-" I head for the door and Avery stands in the same place consequently blocking my exit, too busy staring at Draya.

"I think it's better if I go. I just wanted to give you something." she digs in her purse and takes out a large envelope.

I open it and see three $1500 gift certificates for Carter's. "Oh- wow thank you Draya." I hug her and then smile awkwardly. Girl why you giving me all this money? I think to myself .

She sighs then smiles. "No problem."

She walks out, past Avery who stares after her. The door closes and then he looks at me. "Y'all haven't even been friends for that long, why she giving you $1500?"

"Uhh.. I don't know." I shift the cards around in my hands. "But how kind of her, right?" I smile and he comes closer.

"Fuck!" I clutch my belly and double over in pain, Avery swoops me into his arms.

"I've got the bags packed I just have to grab-" he speaks frantically as he runs out of the nursery, carrying me into the living room.

"Wait, wait-" I laugh as Avery slows down and looks at me. "It's not time. You can put me down-"

"Oh.. girl don't scare me like that." Avery puts me down and kisses my forehead. "And as for y'all," he looks down at my huge belly. "Y'all need to hurry up."

"Aht aht, don't be rushing them." I say as I sit down on the couch and let my head fall back, watching the ceiling fan spin, allowing it to put me in a trance like state.

October 17th,2020 (3pm)

"Time for your appointment, mama."

My eyes slowly blink open as Avery hovers over me. He hands me a bottle of water and I take it then start drinking it until the bottle is empty. He looks at me slightly astonished, then chuckles and walks to the kitchen.
October 17th,2020 (3:40pm)
Mount Sinai West, Manhattan NYC

"Congratulations on your engagement!" Dr.Howard says as she puts on her gloves, sitting in front of the ultrasound machine.

"Thank you! We appreciate it." I say softly as I stare at my ring. Avery squeezes my hand and smiles.

"Are you excited? You guys meet the twins really soon." she says as she applies the gel onto my belly.

"Extremely, every time she has a contraction In already out the door with all our bags." Avery and Dr.Howard laugh.

"You're already an amazing dad." she looks between Avery and I, smiling. "Well let's see what our twins are doing." she shifts her gaze to the screen, which lit up with two small faces.

"Wow! Kelly they have your whole face!" Avery's eyes light up, almost childlike. I stared in awe, they really did look like me. My eyes stung with tears.

"Two beautiful and healthy babies. So that's our girl," she points at baby "B". "Miss Azuri. and that's our boy," she points at baby "A". "Prince Kyree. I love the names." she looks at me and grins.

"Thank you." I sniffle and quickly wipe my tears, Avery laughs and so do I.

"Great news! Babies are both head down, so you can have a natural birth." Dr.Howard says.

I was nervous as hell about having my babies, one baby is one thing, but two? I was still shocked. But either way, I can't wait to meet them. I'm determined to tough this shit out, like I been doing. My mother always tells me, it'll all be worth it in the end.

The birth of a new life marks the end of an old one.

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