He Was Right.

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January 8th, 2020

I pulled into the JHQ  (Jordache Headquarters) parking lot and parked, then just sat there staring out my windshield. I really wish I was in bed right now. Knowing Avery, he'll bug me all day trying to get me to talk to him. And had it been any other day, I'd give in. But this was not one of those days ... I said I need time to myself. I need space, and I cannot under any circumstance have Avery sitting in my face while doing so after I just sat on his .

"Hey!" I nearly jumped out my damn skin, if my wig wasn't already secured I'm pretty sure my shit would be sliding down my back from the scare.
"Avery! Fuck! I hate when you do that shit!" I let out a sigh of relief and open the door to get out. He was right, I couldn't avoid him .

"Girl you looking good today, hot damn!" Avery says as he steps back to look me up and down. I lock my car door, walk around him and straight to the building.

"C'mon !" Avery says as he sprints towards me and slows down walk next to me. I'd walk faster but these heels won't allow me to.
"It was one night we can just forget about it and act like it neve-"
"Is that what am I to you?!" I stop and get in his face. I made sure it was a loud whisper cause if I started yelling people would be all ears.
"Some one and done ass bitch?! Okay . Cool. Cause you got a girl, right? So now we just move on, act like nothing happened? No. I'm not doing that." I stopped to look around to make sure nobody was watching, the coast was clear. Then I stepped closer and stabbed him in the chest with my finger.

"I'm not some little whore you can just fuck on. Not one of these bitches around the office you can stick your dick in when shit goes bad with Brianna!"

"So that's what this is abou-"

"You damn right ! Just the other day you were telling me how you and her are through. If you knew you were gonna get back with her then why you was in my house doing all that nasty shit? Huh?! You choose now, out of all times to withhold how you feel from me. That shit ain't right, Avery." I backed away, and turned to walk back to the building.

"Kellandra Sabrina Grey !" You would've thought my Army Veteran daddy was standing in the parking lot calling after me with that deep ass voice. But it's bitch ass Avery.

"Nigga, what?!"

He walks over to me and stops directly in front of me, staring down into my eyes.

"How long we been cool? You think I'm gonna just let you walk away from me? I know it's fucked up. All of it. But I will not let you out my life ever again. So you are gonna talk to me. I won't stop until you do. Meet me at Central Park at 5... Please..." He softened up once he seen that "Who the fuck you think you talking to?" look on my face.

"Fine. Bitch ass." I said , and he smiled .

Then he laughed slightly . "I can be a bitch ass. You still not going nowhere though."

I walked away and into the building. I was kind of glad he stopped me, don't get me wrong. He still got me all the way fucked up though!

"Where the fuck is this nigga at?" I'm sitting in my car , peering around looking for Avery's car . It's 5:00 dammit.

Finally, his Audi pulls up conveniently in the spot next to mine.

I rolled my passenger side window down and so did he.

He steps out and then walks over to my side , then I open the door and meet him on the curb.

"So? What we had to go to the park and talk about?"

I didn't even realize this man had a picnic basket in his hand. "Oh you is sooo corny."

He takes a sandwich out of the basket and waves it in my face. Turkey and cheese on potato bread, just how I like it. And he knew that. I grab it and walk towards the bench and tables .

"So , once again , what you want?" I say in between bites of this bomb ass sandwich he made me.

"You know I love you right?" he says.

"Avery. Let's not play the games."

He sighs and slides the basket over to the other side of the table , providing a better view of his beautiful brown, sun kissed face.

"Okay. You're right. What I did was trifling. I should've told you. But I didn't. Why? Because -"

I leaned forward to hear the bullshit leave this man's mouth.

He squirmed in his seat and looked around.

"I wish I treated you right when I had you. I wish things went better between us. I know it's a shitty excuse but while I love being your friend I still think about the time we were together. I shouldn't have cheated . I lucked out, forreal. You took me in and never judged me , always set me straight. I didn't know how to love you the way you needed. I remember being in college and just waiting for you to let me .. touch you. You said I had to be worthy. Which I didn't understand at the time, hence me going out to cheat. So when I finally got the chance to receive what I could've been had, I went for it .. forget everything and just focused on you. But when I woke up it didn't sit right , because I doubt you feel the same. You're hooked on Bentley and I could see that. And I'm in a back and forth situation with Bri and I just-"

He sighed again and palmed his face.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't stop being my friend. You mean so much to me and I can't live with knowing I chased you away again. You deserve honesty and I will give that to you. I know I'll have to work for your trust .."

I was dumbfounded. I never seen Avery be so mature and own up to his fucked up actions. He used to be so stuck in his ways. I didn't expect this shit at all. He was right though , despite the soft spot I have for him, he's gonna have to work for my trust.

One jumbo picnic basket later, we were laughing and kicking it like nothing ever happened. It felt good. It wouldn't have felt right holding all that hate in my heart again. I felt like he was worth the second chance.

He walked me to my car and hugged me before I got in.

"Drive safe. Call me later."

"You too, bitch ass." We laughed and I drove off.

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