Vol.4 part, 4: Against All Odds.

Start from the beginning

Ruby: "What are you doing?"

Raising the weapon with both hands beside his head as the shield extends and widens the sword's blade, running off as Ruby smiles at Jaune using the upgraded Crocea Mors and begins supporting him by firing Crescent Rose at the Nuckelavee, hitting the horse's head and causing it to rear back as Jaune slashes at it's leg again, this time the horse screches in pain as it quickly backs away from the group while the Nuckelavee's rider twitches it's head.

Running across the rooftops, (Y/n) and Ouroboros clash and deflect each others strikes as the former back flips, dodging a powerful swing from Ouroboros destroying part of the roof where (Y/n) was standing before turning to the young man still in the air. Ouroboros' arm stretches and lashes at (Y/n) as he maneuvers his body and narrowly dodges the Grimm's sword before it somehow loops back, causing (Y/n) to block it while he was sent to the ground.

The Nuckelavee ear piercing screech makes Ruby and Jaune cover their ears while the horns as well as the bones on the creature's back grow longer. Ren and Nora both watch unaffected by the sound as Ren sprints back and runs up a tree, shooting at the Nuckelavee which angers the creature as it extends it's arm toward Ren, grabbing him and pinning him to the wall of the bell tower.

Nora: "Ruby!"

She calls to Ruby as she nods to Nora, spinning herself while Nora jumps on the end of Crescent Rose, launching Nora between Ren and the Nuckelavee as it throws it's other arm at the young man, instead pinning Magnhild to the wall with Nora dangling off the weapon right while Ren opens his eyes and looks up at Nora.

Nora: "Stop looking!"

Ren: "Ah-ugh."

Pulling her skirt to hide herself as Ren alerts his eyes, meanwhile Nora grins to herself.

The Nuckelavee then flings Nora to the ground until her Aura flashes, Ren watches helplessly before using StormFlower to slash and cut at the Nuckelavee's hand as he stabs into it's arm to give himself leverage while firing the weapon, pulling the Nuckelavee's hand off of him.

Jaune slashes the Nuckelavee's hind leg, making the Grimm drop Ren to the ground as he quickly stands up, running towards the Nuckelavee while slashing at it's arms. Ren's eyes look wild as he exhibits reckless behavior.

Jaune: "Ren! Knock it off!"

Being knocked back, Ren recovers and charges after the creature again only for the Nuckelavee's arm retracts and grabs Ren by his ankles as it slams him onto the ground knocking Ren's weapons out of his hands, the creature tosses Ren who ends up next to Nora with his Aura depleted as well. The two rise back up, Nora standing up first while Ren was fixated on the Nuckelavee as it was preparing to charge at them, Nora tackles Ren under a building and braces themselves only for nothing to happen as they see Jaune holding off the Nuckelavee with Crocea Mors.

The smoke clears, revealing (Y/n) using the half blades to hold back Ouroboros' attack, struggling against the Knight's strike (Y/n) directs the swords blade into the ground next to his head as (Y/n) swiftly flips to his feet, slashing Ouroboros' sword which breaks the sword in half and shatters the blade.

(Y/n) dashes back, getting some space between him and his opponent, Ouroboros drops to the ground while it retracts it's bladed arm, staring as it does so. Suddenly the sword begins growing back to his original size, making (Y/n) sigh in frustration.

(Y/n): "Oh, great. Even if I manage to break his fucking sword it just goes and regrows itself."

Putting Fox back together, (Y/n) runs forward slashing down at Ouroboros only for the Grimm to easily parry and swings at (Y/n) who leans back, dodging the Knight's strike and kicking the Grimm's sword up as well.

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