Vol.3 part, 3: Never miss a beat.

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3rd POV.
Ozpin's office, 10:00 Am.

(Y/n) steps out of the elevator, and is greeted by the sight of Ironwood, with Penny standing next to him.

Ironwood: "(Y/n), I'm glad you came."

(Y/n): "Well I'm here, what do you want?"

Ironwood: "Listen (Y/n), I know you don't owe me any favors, but I want you to show Penny around Vale."

(Y/n): "No offense to you and her, but I'm not a goddamn bodyguard, Ironwood."

Pointing to Penny who waves and smiles innocently.

Ironwood: "I know. But, Ms. Polendina tells me you're quite familiar with the city."

(Y/n): "So what? You want me to show her around?"

Ironwood: "Yes, I just want you to escort Penny to the cololuseum. In the meantime I would appreciate it if you showed her the festival's attractions. Then, maybe I'll forget about the little incident of yours a few weeks ago."

(Y/n): "Really? You're gonna pull that card? Fine. Let's go Penny."

Crossing his arms and sighs, (Y/n) reluctantly agrees as they walk into the elevator Penny waves energetically to General Ironwood as the elevator's doors close shut, Ironwood sighs looking at his scroll playing back (Y/n)'s most recent battle.

Ironwood: 'For all our sakes Ozpin, I hope you're right.'

He puts his scroll away, looking out the window as a Atlas ship passes by.

Vytal Festival fairgrounds, 10:30 Am.

Walking through the festival grounds (Y/n) had his hands in his pockets as Penny happily skips along side (Y/n) before she locks arms with him resting her head on his shoulder.

Penny: "This is so exciting! I've never been on a date before!"

(Y/n): "Uh, I'd really hate to burst your bubble Penny, but we're not on a date, Ironwood just wanted me to show you around a bit and take you to your next match."

He explains as Penny's smile doesn't fade.

Penny: "That still doesn't mean we can't have some fun beforehand!"

Penny takes him by the hand, leading (Y/n) around the festival grounds.

Weiss: "Hey (Y/n)!-"

She calls out for the young devil hunter, before noticing Penny walking alongside him Weiss hides behind a kiosk as Ruby walks up to her, holding two cotton candy sticks, one was just a stick while the other was half-eaten and having a bit of cotton candy stuck to her cheek.

Ruby: "Hey Weiss, what are you doing behind there?"

As she was pulled behind the kiosk as well, making the stick in spin in the air then drops to the ground, catching (Y/n)'s attention as he was brought back to Penny pointing to the kiosks, filled with miscellaneous items, tourist merchandise, and souvenirs.

Ruby: "Ahh! What the heck Weiss? Why'd you do that?"

Weiss: "Shh, you idiot they'll see you!"

Ruby: "So? It's just Penny and (Y/n)."

Weiss:*Sigh* "No, look you dolt."

She points to (Y/n) and Penny, looking closer Ruby sees the girl holding his hand and pulls him towards a carnival game as the two continue to observe, Blake, Yang and Naomi also join Ruby and Weiss.

Yang: "Hey Ruby, what are you and Weiss doing?"

Blake: "It appears as though, they're spying on (Y/n)."

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