Vol.2 Part. 4: The Boogeyman's Tale.

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(I made my mind up on the chapter length, I'll just do longer chapters as it's less writing for me and we can progress the story a bit further, one thing slackers know best is efficiency! That means we'll be finished Volume two in a couple of chapters.)

POV 3rd.

???: "Mama, papa. Where are you going?"

She smiles tilting her head at the two, Weiss let's go of (Y/n) letting him stand on his own.

(Y/n)/Weiss: "Papa/Mama!?!"

(Y/n) and Weiss say in shock, (Y/n) clears his throat and regains some composure.

(Y/n): "So, who are you? Do you have a name?"

(Y/n) asks, crouching down to her level.

???: "You can give me a name you like, Papa."

She smiles cheerfully.

(Y/n): "If that's the case, then how 'bout... Naomi."

(Y/n) suggests, which made the little girl now known as Naomi, smile at her new name.

Naomi: "Naomi!"

She smiles, cheerfully reciting her name, before running up to (Y/n) and hugging him.

(Y/n): "How did this happen?"

Patting Naomi's head while the two smile at each other.

Weiss: "My glyphs, became a person?"

She whispers to herself, then the door suddenly explodes off its hinges, flying straight into (Y/n) as Ruby and Blake jump out the door with their weapons at the ready.

(Y/n): "I definitely could've done without that...."

(Y/n) groans, pushing off the slab of metal.

Naomi: "Mama, is papa okay?"

She tugs on Weiss' sleeve, watching (Y/n) getting back on his feet.

Ruby: "We heard a loud noise and.."

Ruby stops, staring at the little girl still holding onto Weiss.

Blake: "And there was a bright flash of lig-....."

Blake began, the little girl then turns and smiles at her.

Blake began, the little girl then turns and smiles at her

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Blake: "You can also call me mom."

She gushes holding out her arms, waiting for the little girl to come run and hug her.

Naomi: "My only Mama is Mama."

She calmly looks to Blake.

Blake: "This is pretty difficult."

Blake says biting her finger, Yang stretches her arms walking out of the door.

Yang: "(Y/n)~ there was a load of noise coming from up here......"

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