Chapter Twenty One

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His father was home, he could tell. He could already smell the incense in the air.

It was always this way before a regional meeting for as long as he could remember.

Bennett passed by pictures of his mother not sparing it any glance. The frames had been turned upside down, -such was befitting of a disgrace- a woman who had thought she could run from the brotherhood.

She believed in Jes-

A fiery pain burst through his mind as the thought of that name crossed his mind.

He gritted his teeth. His mother had left their father and the brotherhood because of Him.

And she'd wanted to take him too but he'd slit her throat himself before she could go any further. She was corrupted.

The brotherhood had no tolerance for the polluted.

His father was in his basement, chanting.

Bennett knew not to disturb him, so he went upstairs instead.

They always used the mansion for preparatory rites. As usual, the mansion had tight security.

A lot of things went on in the rooms of the mansion, dark unspeakable things that were too great to mention.

On getting to his room, he took off his jacket and removed his cufflinks.

He took his shirt off and went to stand in front of the mirror.

He was handsome. He'd taken after his mother much to his immense dismay; her hair, her eyes.

He hated it, he hated that he looked anything like her.

Why was she so weak?

His face contorted in anger and he could again feel the demons in him stear.

'Don't worry, the time is at hand when you will be compensated with the blood of the believers.'
He heard one of his demons say.

Yes, the time is at hand.

Before his eyes, he saw his image in the mirror distort into three separate personalities, which all grinned at him.

Bennett grinned back.


The next day came and Bennett went about his usual business at the office.

He'd been receiving messages confirming the presence of many important guests who wanted to celebrate the awakening of the master.

Bennett typed away at his computer and confirmed their invitations.

The meeting would be different. He could feel it.

Usually, they had these meetings at least once a month where they come to pay respect to their king, often offering many sacrifices.

It didn't matter what their Lord requests, they would get it.

A cow, a rabbit, a baby?

The ConcessionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz