Dean - Five

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Imagine: you and Dean decide to go your separate ways to protect each other, only to see each other years later on a case.
Request by -murray (sorry it has taken so long)

4 years ago...
You wipe the blood from your machete before placing it in your bag and zipping it up. You're finally ready to jump in the Impala and head back to the Bunker with Dean for a good night's sleep. Today's hunt was a particularly bad one. Your left arm is currently in a makeshift sling and bruises cover most of your body. Dean steps out of the bathroom, his face drawn into a serious frown as he starts packing his own bag.
"You ok, sweetie?" You ask, slightly concerned.
Dean carries on packing his bag, ignoring your question. Panic fills your body as you stand up off the bed and walk over to him. You carefully place a hand on his shoulder and gently turn him to face you, but his jade eyes don't meet yours. His perfectly sculpted face is covered in cuts and bruises. You delicately trace one of the deeper cuts with your thumb, but Dean flinches away from you.
"Dean, what's wrong?" Hurt laces your words as you try not to let it show.
He sighs deeply and steps further away from you.
"I think we should go our separate ways." His voice is barely a whisper, but his words pack a punch.
"I don't think we should hunt together anymore or be together."
Tears prick at your eyes, but you don't let them fall. You will not cry over Dean Winchester, even if he has just ripped out your heart.
"We just get in the way of each other."
He slams his fist onto the table, causing you to jump slightly. There is a wild distraught look in Dean's eyes, and you can tell he is hurting as much as you are.
"You almost got killed today because of me!" He screams.
"Oh, so you think hunting on my own would be safer?" You exclaim. "It's an occupational hazard, Dean!"
"I get careless when I'm with you. When those vampire bastards took you, I stormed into their nest guns blazing. All I could think about was saving you." He admits.
The two of you stare at each other in silence. You know Dean is protective over you, but you never realised how he was feeling.
"We don't have to break up." You mutter pathetically, as you play with the frayed hem on the bottom of your t-shirt. "We can just hunt separately."
Dean doesn't answer you as he grabs his bag and heads to the door.
"Dean, please don't leave me." You start to cry, tears flooding down your face. "I trusted you!"
He pauses at the open door.
"Well then you can't exactly blame me, can you? It was your mistake."
And with that Dean Winchester steps out of the motel room, taking your heart with him.

You swing your machete in a great swooping arch and decapitate the vampire; slicing his undead head clean off. You watch with distaste as it rolls across the warehouse floor before stopping at a pair of black leather boots. Your (E/C) eyes travel from the boots, up to the jeans, then to the plaid shirt, before landing on a face you thought you would never see again: Dean Winchester.
"(Y/N)!" Sam exclaims from behind Dean as he rushes over to you and engulfs you in a hug.
"Hey, Sam." You smile softly. "What are you guys doing here?"
Sam steps back from you, a grin playing on his face.
"We got wind of a nest of vamps terrorizing this town. But I guess you handled it pretty well. Anyway, how's life treating you?"
You scoff. "Like I ran over its dog."
Your (E/C) eyes move over to Dean, who is stood staring at you. Neither of you know what to say to each other. You never thought you would see him again.
"Hi, Dean." You comment, showing no emotion.
"(Y/N)." He gulps. "Hey."
"So, I guess I'll be leaving then." You smile awkwardly as you attempt to walk to the exit.
"(Y/N), wait." Sam calls you.
With a soft sigh, you turn back around to face the boys.
"Do you want to come for a drink with us?" His big brown eyes look over at you in a hopeful gaze.
You pause, your eyes flittering to Dean for a brief second.
"Sure, as long as you're paying."
Sam grins at his brother as the three of you exit the warehouse.

You take a seat at a free table and watch Sam and Dean as they head to the bar. You can't help but feel like this is where you belong, hunting with the boys, back at Dean's side. Although he hasn't spoken to you since leaving the warehouse. You're broken from your trance by Sam placing a beer in front of you.
"Yeh, I'm gonna need a few more of those." You mutter as you down the beer in one.
Sam and Dean stare at you open-mouthed.
"Wow." Dean mutters.
"So, (Y/N)." Sam coughs. "How have you been?"
You shrug. "Pretty good, considering four years ago I was left stranded in a random motel with nothing but a broken heart."
Dean stares at his beer as he swills the liquid in the bottle. Sam clears his throat as the three of you sit in an awkward silence.
"Hey, Sam, why don't you go and grab us another round." Dean eventually speaks up.
Sam glances between the two of you, before standing up and heading over to the bar.
"(Y/N)." Dean starts.
"Dean, I don't want to hear it." You cut him off. "I'm over it."
Dean narrows his eyes at your comment.
"Letting you go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." He murmurs as his big green eyes stare softly at you.

Damn, you've missed those eyes; those eyes that break down every barrier you have ever put up against missing Dean.
"Why did you leave me?" Your voice trembles as four years of emotions rain down on you.
"I thought it was for the best." He explains. "I couldn't stand to see you getting hurt because of me. At that moment, all I could think about was every scratch, bruise, and broken bone you got because of me."
"Dean, I never got hurt because of you. You saved my life countless times. I'm alive now because of you. These past four years, I still got hurt. I had my leg broken by a Shapeshifter. A Werewolf nearly tore out my jugular. The list is endless, but I'm a hunter. I get on with it. I walk it off. That's how we were raised." You pause. "The only time you truly hurt me, was when you left."
Dean stretches his arm across the table and grabs your hand in a feather-light touch.
"(Y/N), I am so, so sorry. I have spent the last four years regretting everything I said at that moment. I thought I was protecting you."
You squeeze Dean's hand. You know how much this must be killing him, at this moment he's wearing his vulnerability on his sleeve, and you have two choices to make; you could break his heart as he did to you all those years ago, or you could do what every cell in your body wants you to do.
"I suppose I could forgive you."
You watch as his whole face lights up.
"Now, or in four years?" He jokes.
"I don't know yet." You laugh.

The three of you leave the bar and head over to the Impala. You've missed Baby so much, nearly as much as you missed Dean. You glance behind you to see Sam and Dean talking in hushed voices.
"It all go ok?" Sam asks.
Dean nods, a grin playing on his face.
"I think we're good. I'm just glad to have her back."
Sam rolls his eyes.
"I didn't think you were the type of guy to lose your sanity for a girl."
"I didn't either."

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