Sam and Dean - One

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Imagine: Sam and Dean remembering that they left Adam in Hell.

You watch with a soft grin as Sam plays with his niece, your daughter. Her soft hair is (H/C) and is currently sprinkled with pink glitter. Her eyes are the same candy apple green as her fathers and her freckles are scattered like stars in the night sky. She looks so much like her father; the resemblance is uncanny.
"Mommy, tell Uncle Sam that he has to tie his hair up!" Lillie squeals, attempting to tie Sam's flowing locks with pink bobbles. "It's the law!"
"Sammy, do as she says, or I'll be forced to intervene." Dean chuckles, grabbing a handful of glitter and threatening to throw it at Sam.
"Do not get that in my carpet!" You warn. "Do you know how long it takes for glitter to get out of the carpet?"
Dean just stares at you dead in the eyes as he opens his fist and lets the pink glitter rain down. You watch in horror. That amount of glitter will still be there for your grandkids to clean up.
"Oh, you are so dead!" You growl, running into the kitchen.
You hear Dean's loud footsteps following you. Grinning from ear to ear, you throw open the fridge door and take out an apple pie. Dean stops in his tracks. His face falls.
"Don't do it, (Y/N)." He pleads, holding his hands up. "The pie is innocent."
"So was my carpet." You reply, a sly grin on your face.
Dean edges closer.
"Take another step and the pie gets it."
"Let's talk this out."
"There's nothing to talk about."

His green eyes watch your every move. Time seems to slow down as you raise your arm and throw the pie. Dean's face falls even further before it is coated in pie. He wipes the filling from his eyes.
"You are a bag of douche!" Dean yells.
You burst out laughing and head over to him; grabbing a towel. You wipe his face and sneak a kiss from his apple stained lips.
"I'm sorry, honey. But you know how much I hate glitter."
He kisses you back, smearing some pie on your face.
"Get cleaned up and grab a beer. Then you can come back into the living room." You giggle, walking out of the kitchen.

Sam and Lillie are still enjoying their tea party. You sit down on the carpet; attempting to ignore the glitter pile. Lillie climbs into your lap, laying her head on your shoulder. Dean walks into the room, a little bit of pie is still in his hair. He takes a sip of beer, smiling as his eyes land on Lillie.
"Mommy, Uncle Sam is my favourite Uncle." Lillie smiles.
You grin. "Honey, he's your only Uncle."
You hear the sound of a bottle smashing and you spin to face Dean. His face is pale as he stares at Sam.
"Shit, we forgot about Adam!"

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