Sam - Two

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Imagine: dating Sam and being possessed by a demon and hurting him, but he refuses to fight back because he loves you.

The 90's inspired diner is mostly empty. You walk in expecting it to be filled with people enjoying their supper, instead, there is a bored-looking waitress and an old couple. Taking a deep breath, you walk up to the counter clutching the list of food Sam and Dean want. The waitress sighs as she ambles over to you.
"What can I get for ya?" She asks.
You bite down on the bottom of your lip as you read the note, not making eye contact.
"Please, can I have a chicken salad, a double cheeseburger, fries, choco banana waffles, apple pie and three coffees?"
The girl nods as you quickly pay her, and she heads into the kitchen. Sliding on one of the stools, you anxiously bite your nails as you calm down from ordering your food. The girl comes back with your food and grins, running her tongue along her top teeth.
"Here's your food, (Y/N)."
"Thanks." You mumble, taking the bag, pausing when you realise what she just said. "How do you know my name?"
"Don't you remember me?" She questions, pretending to look sad. "We had so much fun together before the Winchester's tore me from your body."
Her eyes flash black and you instinctively go for your knife, before realising that you left it back at the motel. You do, however, have a small vial of holy water hung around your neck.
"Maeve." You gasp, reaching for the vial of Holy Water and throwing it towards her.
She doges it easily and grins wildly.
"Aw, is lil' (Y/N) unarmed?" Maeve taunts, pouting slightly.
You hear the elderly couple move. One locks the door and the other starts closing the blinds.
"Possessing OAP's now. Didn't know you swung that way."
"They're just here in case things get out of hand." She dismisses your comment. "How's things with Sammy Winchester?"
You glare at the black-eyed bitch.
"Shut your pathetic mouth!" You snap lurching forward and grabbing the front of her top.
She grins. "I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm."
Maeve thrusts her hand out, sending you flying over the counter and into the wall. You groan, attempting to stand up, but failing. Blood pools in your mouth and you spit it out onto the floor.
"We are going to have so much fun." She giggles, grinning like a maniac.

She flings you against the opposite wall and you crumple into a groaning mess. It feels like every bone in your body has shattered and all you want to do is curl up into a ball and cry. Three dark blurry shapes walk into your vision and you are hoisted onto your feet.
"You ready for the ride of your life?" Maeve questions, squeezing your throat until black dots cover your vision.
As soon as you are on the verge of passing out, she lets go and pulls out a lighter. The other two demons lift the hem of your shirt, exposing your anti-possession tattoo.
"I thought the Winchester's would get you inked." She bites her pink lips. "Good job I brought this."
She holds up a lighter, igniting the flame and you start struggling desperately.
"Maeve, please don't." You beg, tears filling your (E/C) eyes.
"Begging? That's a new low, (Y/N)."
She hovers the tiny flame close to your tattoo; causing a scream to erupt from your throat. Salty tears cascade down your face as she burns the tattoo. The stench of burning flesh forces you to dry heave and you fall to the floor. Mave bends down in front of you and grips your face in her hands.
"Are you ready? It will be just like the old days."
With that, she leaves her meat suit in a flood of black smoke and enters your mouth. The world turns black as Maeve takes over your body.

Maeve's POV...
Oooh, it feels so good to be back in this meat suit. I've missed this. I kick the dead body on the floor and exit the diner, grabbing the bag of food on my way out. Flipping my (H/C) hair, I walk back to the motel the Winchester's are staying at.
"Please don't hurt them." (Y/N) mumbles weakly.
"I promised that I would kill everyone you love. I'm a demon of my word."
"They'll know it's not me. They'll send you straight back to hell."
I laugh. "They won't hurt me. Not when I'm in you."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Dean will protect Sam no matter what."

(Y/N) is silent for the rest of the way and I eventually reach the crappy motel they are staying at. I straighten (Y/N)'s clothes and hair, before walking into the room. Little Sammy Winchester is sat at the table, but the older hunter is nowhere to be seen. His face lights up as soon as you walk into the room.
"Hey." He smiles, taking the food from me and putting it on the table.
"Where's Dean?" I ask, sitting down next to him.
"You were taking too long so he went to a bar." Sam smirks as he starts digging into his salad.
I lean forward and attach my lips to his, moulding them perfectly.
"Stop it!" (Y/N) shrieks. "Stop kissing him!"
Sam's large hands move to (Y/N)'s hair and he tugs lightly.
"Maeve, I swear I will kill you! Stop kissing Sam!" The distress in her voice is hilarious.
"Fine." I purr, placing (Y/N)'s delicate hands on her boyfriend's firm chest.
"Keep your disgusting hands off him!"
"Technically they are your hands." I smirk.
(Y/N) goes quiet, but I can feel her fighting me.
"(Y/N/N), are you ok?" Sam questions, his brown eyes are filled with concern.

Leering at Sam, I push my arms out; sending him into the wall behind him. My eyes flash black.
"Sam!" (Y/N) screams, fighting against me.
"Get out of her!" He growls, struggling against my hold.
I step towards him. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Maeve. (Y/N) and I are old friends."
"(Y/N) has told me about you." Sam spits, his soft eyes filling with anger. "You're the bitch who ruined her life."
"Oh, good." I clap my hands. "That saves a lot of time. So, she should have told you that I promised her something."
"Don't you dare!" (Y/N) angrily exclaims.
"I promised (Y/N) that I would kill everyone she loves." I bite my lip. "I've already killed her mommy and daddy. Their guts made a lovely addition to their house. I slit her little brother's throat, the pathetic boy didn't even attempt to fight back. And lastly, I crushed her best friend. Now all she has left is you and Dean."

I hear the motel door swing open with a crash and I spin on the balls of my feet. Dean Winchester stumbles into the room, gun aimed and ready to fire. With a soft sigh, I send him into another wall and watch with glee as he falls unconscious.
"You really think that possessing (Y/N) would affect me?" Sam snarls venomously. "You have no power over me."
I run my tongue along my top row of teeth and I step closer to him.
"You sure about that, Sammy?" I whisper, raising an eyebrow.
"Told you." (Y/N) smirks.
His calm demeanour doesn't fool me. I know how much (Y/N) means to him and I know how much Sam means to (Y/N). Grinning wildly, I punch Sam in the face repeatedly. (Y/N) stays silent as I continue to attack her beloved, but she'll crack soon. His nose starts bleeding and I open up wounds on his handsome face.
"Ok, stop!" (Y/N) suddenly screams, shocking me a little. "Please stop hurting him!"
I release my hold on Sam and watch as he falls to the floor. He manages to struggle to his feet and I scoff.
"How about now, (Y/N)? Now it's a fair fight." I kick him in the ribs and he doubles over in pain.

I continue my assault, waiting for him to fight back, to hurt (Y/N)'s pretty little face. However, he doesn't lay a finger on me. He doesn't even attempt to fight back. This angers me and I use more force on him.
"Hit me!" I scream. "Fight back you coward!"
Suddenly, I feel (Y/N) pushing through and I'm pushed to the back of her mind. She stops the assault and kisses his bloody lips.
"I-I can't stop it. I'm sorry." She mutters, knowing she doesn't have much time till I gain control again.
"It's ok. Just breathe. You don't have to be sorry for anything. I've got you."
They hold hands and that's when I take back control. I twist his arm, hearing the bone snap.
"Sorry, Sammy, but (Y/N) can't get to the phone right now." I snarl. "Any last words?"
"I've got some." A voice growls from behind me.
I spin around in alarm as Dean throws Holy Water over me and starts chanting in Latin. My skin burns and sizzles as I cower in pain.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!" Dean finishes with a grin. "Now get out of my best friend, bitch!"

(Y/N)'s POV...
You don't stay unconscious for long. It only takes minutes for you to wake up and start crying. Sam. You want to run as far away as possible from the Winchesters. But you feel Dean cradling you in his strong comforting arms.
"Sammy." You whisper in between sobs.
"He's alright." Dean reassures. "He's ok."
Detaching yourself from Dean, you stand up and choke back whimpers. You stare at your bloodstained hands as you back away from his body.
"I'm sorry." You whisper, silent tears running down your cheeks. "I'm so sorry."
You watch as Sam props himself into a sitting position and pulls you into his arms.
"It's ok, (Y/N/N). I've got you. It's all going to be fine. She's gone now." He kisses your hair. "I love you."
"I love you, Sammy." You finally mumble, hugging him closer.

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